View Full Version : Dictionary adds and deletes

glenn bradley
04-01-2008, 6:36 PM
I did a search but didn't find anything on this so here goes. I am generally very careful when adding words to the dictionary. I just added a misspelled word and want to delete it.

Kurt Strandberg
04-01-2008, 6:53 PM
I did a search but didn't find anything on this so here goes. I am generally very careful when adding words to the dictionary. I just added a misspelled word and want to delete it.

What dictionary?

I didn't know there was a dictionary.

Joe Chritz
04-01-2008, 8:11 PM
That is a browser function and depending on what browser is how you remove them.

I use firefox and it isn't hard if you remember the word.

Google for (remove word from windows explorer dictionary).


glenn bradley
04-01-2008, 11:57 PM
Thanks guys. I found it but I couldn't delete my post. I put comments in the "Edited" field but they are hard to see.