View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
04-01-2008, 9:57 AM
1 APR 2008

Yea, I know....I'm a day late but family issues took priority yesterday, so I'm trying to get caught up today.

Woodworking? Haven't done any lately. The FIL isn't doing well, and since I hit a deer with our only family vehicle, we are delayed in making a trip to Alabama to visit the In-Laws while both of them are able to visit. The FIL is down to 5% kidney function and we won't know anything more until after he see's the surgeon today about any possibility of it improving. It just really doesn't look good at all and mentally...we are preparing for his passing when his time comes sometime this year due to his kidney failure. He's 75 years old and says he's ready to go...but that doesn't make it any easier for us.

Peace and health to all of you and I'm very sorry for not getting to the Weekend Accomplishments until today. :o

So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

jeremy levine
04-01-2008, 10:01 AM
Take care of your family and don't apologize to us. 75 is to young.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-01-2008, 10:02 AM
Recovered from the flu....no woodworking.

Dennis....you, your lovely wife, your FIL and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

Jim O'Dell
04-01-2008, 10:08 AM
Dennis, we'll pray for your family, and a quick repair to your car, or a guardian angel with transportation for you to make the trip.
No woodworking for me either this weekend. I just lounged around the house all day Sat. Watched a little basketball.
Sunday LOML and I spent about 5+ hours in the garage cleaning it out. WOW, what a difference! Then I mowed the back yard. That was it. I was pooped! Jim.

Jim Becker
04-01-2008, 10:34 AM
Dennis, positive thoughts coming relative to your family issues.

I had a mildly productive weekend, getting the final touches on the installation of the cabinets in the "toilet room" of our new master bath as well as prep for the new washer and dryer (that showed up at 7pm on Saturday...) and some other tasks. The girls had choir on Sunday so I had to pick up the older from a sleepover and get her there and then do a few other non-woodworking related things for the remainder of the day.

Karl Laustrup
04-01-2008, 10:45 AM
No apology needed.......or expected Dennis. Family is first. I know what you mean about hitting a deer. Hit one with my then 4 month old Tahoe in '96. $5600 later and 3 weeks later it was all better. I'll hope for a quicker fix for your vehicle so you may get to see your FIL.

I was able to start the clean up of the shop. Could only stay out there a couple of hours, but I'm making progress.

Will keep you and your family in our prayers Dennis.


Matt Meiser
04-01-2008, 10:55 AM
Dennis, sorry to hear about your FIL.

I actually did some woodworking this weekend. Saturday morning my daughter and I went shopping for wood for a bookcase I've been promising her for a while now. My wife had to go into work (month end/tax time makes for a busy life for accountants, even at a non-profit.) So my daughter and I ran a few other errands and ate lunch out. One of our errands was to drop some stuff off at the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, where I found a couple brand new closet organizer systems for 1/2 of Lowes price. That's something that's been on my to-do list since we moved here and an out-of-the box solution that cheap is sure to be a winner.

Sunday they went to see Lion King (the theatrical production) and I stayed home and got the carcase for the book case all assembled and chose lumber for the face and top to start acclimating to the shop. Later when my daughter came home she came out to the shop and I helped her build a "barn" she designed for her doll house out of some scrap lumber. We used the Domino to assemble it which made her very happy.

Travis Gauger
04-01-2008, 10:56 AM
Best wishes to you and your family.

My weekend accomplishments were minimal too. I had family in town and staying over for the whole weekend so not much shop time. I did manage to get out there early Saturday morning to spray the finish on a couple of end tables. Then again on Sunday evening after all the comotion left I got to do a little clean up and played with an aluminum veneered torsion box router table insert for my saw. then last night when I put my straight edge on it there must have been something under one corner during glue up. The top has about a 1/32" dip in the center of it. Arghhhhh! Don't you hate that?

Gary Ratajczak
04-01-2008, 10:58 AM
Cleaning up my small basement shop - first real time in months - finally over about a two month stint of sinus infections. Tough to make progress when you can't breathe!!

Making room to build the base for my Sommerfeld aircraft carrier router table top, along with new 3-1/2 hp Triton (gift from FIL). I am working on a Norm / Sommerfeld / Fine WW / Google search comination table design.

Picked out plans for WOOD magazine changing table and crib - our first is on the way for a Sept delivery. Made our first "baby gear" buying trip with the in-laws this weekend!

Dennis - thoughts go out to your family. Wifes grandmother took a spill a few weeks back, and she is slow to recover. Tough on all - been there.


Fred Haydon
04-01-2008, 1:35 PM
Dennis, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And no need to apologize for putting family first!

My Dad is 80, and I spent Saturday night with him and Mom in the ER. He was having a bad reaction to some meds the Dr. prescribed the day before. He stayed the night and was home Sunday afternoon. But the topper is earlier in the week he was diagnosed with Stage 2 prostate cancer. Thankfully it was caught early and very treatable, but still, at his age the treatments will take their toll on him.

Saturday during the day, I was able to get out in the shop and start the annual clean-up after the long winter. The trash men will be busy at my house this week! :D I was able to do the spring application of Boeshield on most of the iron as well. Obviously none to soon as we had rain last night and today.
