View Full Version : Advice on ripping sheet stock

Jim VanBramer
03-25-2004, 1:25 AM
I'm in the process of building an extension and outfeed table for my table saw and have a question regarding technique. I've got a sheet of 3/4" baltic birch that I'm cutting up for the framework, and want to rip consistent 2" strips out of it, which I'll then cut to their appropriate lengths. Is there a method out there that will allow me to achieve this? :confused: Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Ballent
03-25-2004, 3:29 AM
2 ways to approach the ripping thin thin...

1. obvious one is to set the rip fence to 2" with something on the outfeed side and a push stick to finish the cut on the 2" side... Apply slight pressure into the fence... Keep ripping until you have all the pieces you need. Depending on your comfort level on the tablesaw quick and easy but to some it is a little risky.

2. Next one will work if your fence will slide out far enough or you cut down the plywood. Takes a little longer to set up but much less likely to have kick back. in you miter slot on the left side set a piece of wood so it sits in the slot. now depending on how fancy you want to get place piece of wood perpendicular to the slot and attach it so that it's 2" away from the blade and make sure it's unplugged when you measure. You would take the plywood place it against the wood slide your fence over so the ply is against it. Lock the fence remove the fixture and rip. Repeat until you are done with your cuts. This is a little fussier but less likely to have kick back, of course you are using your splitter right :D.

For the crosscuts I would use my crosscut sled with a stop for the length I wanted.

I am sure I will be corrected if I give you bad info, but either should work for ya. good luck :) and welcome aboard


Kirk (KC) Constable
03-25-2004, 8:02 AM
I'd rip the sheet into more 'manageable' sizes (even if just in half) and simply rip the two inch strips.


Chris Padilla
03-25-2004, 11:12 AM
I'm with Kirk.

When I use plywood, I always grab my sheet of 1.5" thick foam panel (big sheets are sold at HD), let it float to the floor, toss my ply on it and cut it down into more manageable piece to then final cut on the TS.

Frank Pellow posted about some knock-down sawhorse and his Festool Plunge saw for doing the very same thing...I will get there one of these days!