View Full Version : Slight turning gloat ...

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
03-07-2003, 11:49 PM
I remembered one of the experienced turners at the Pond (Bill, Dominic or Jennifer, I'm not sure which) saying "the mark of a good turner is for people not to be able to see where it was attached to the lathe" or something similar. Even though I haven't been turning long and have a ways to go to catch up with most of you, I had a cherry bowl I had turned a couple of weeks ago (picts are in my post) and took it to my FIL's. One of my wife's cousins picked it up and was admiring it, turned it over and said, "you turned this on your lathe? How did you hold it on there?" My wife says my face lit up like a christmas tree and I had some cheezy grin on my face. To a newbie, it felt great! I then proceeded to explain the concept of a good set of Cole jaws on my Super Nova and the rewards of being able to reverse chuck a bowl. Turning is very addictive and these small doses of praise just fan the flames. Have fun turning.