View Full Version : Information lost.. Glue as stabalizer

Rasmus Petersen
03-31-2008, 1:03 AM
I remember reading somewhere about stabalizing fungy wood heavy spalting, for turning using a mix of white glue(carpenters glue) and water. i have been searching for the article/forum thread. I sure someone here can help me.

The idea was to mix water and glue and submerge the rottet wood in the mix. Then let dry and turn. but the details elude me...

The reson is that i have a very very nice pice of Birch with some beautifull colors black red green and blue. But some areas are så soft that turning is difficult, and sandig impossible..

Terry Quiram
03-31-2008, 6:45 AM
I have used a 50/50 mix of glue and water to stabilize punky wood. It works ok.

Rasmus Petersen
03-31-2008, 7:07 AM
How far does it penetrate ? do i roug turn the item (wood is dry) and the use the 50/50 mix or vil it penertrate more than en few mm??