View Full Version : The "Old" baby crib.

Christopher Pine
03-30-2008, 8:53 PM
The"Old" baby crib
Back in 1993 (Ancient History) My wife informed me that I was going to be a father for the first time. Who knew that she would keep informing of this four additional times after that! :)
At that time I had started to do some small woodworking projects and found my enjoyment for it was growing. I thought to myself wouldn't it be nice to build a crib for our new baby. So I searched for a plan and found one, I started to do the best I could at building this project. As it turns out I did not have it done before he (Chris Aaron) arrived. I did finish it before he needed it however and we started using it and seems like, we never have stopped since then. :) In reality however we have had the crib put away for some 4 or 5 years now as Jonathan has not slept in a crib for about that long.
S0 as William has outgrown his current sleeping arrangement it has become apparent that it is once again time to get the crib out and setup for our latest bundle of joy to use as his 4 previous siblings have done.
As I assembled it I could not help but notice the many errors that were made in its construction. I can even remember some of the rookie shortcuts I took, thinking it would not matter and it would look fine. Well as I look at it now I see how far I have come with my woodworking skills or perhaps my developed critical demeanor on my other projects. Not saying I have arrived at my woodworking skills by any means I learn more all the time. Looking at this crib some 15 years later shows me how much I really did not know. My parenting is a lot like that as well. :) I really have been, as I used to say to the infant Chris Aaron when he wouldn't stop crying: "Give me a break I am making this up as I go along!" The old crib regardless of how it was constructed has served us well. I am an old softy for walking down memory lane and it is very humbling and joyful to remember the wonderful babies that have slept in it, and got sick in it and spilled milk in it...

William enjoying his new "crib".

J. Z. Guest
03-30-2008, 9:34 PM
I always kind of thought cribs were not worth the trouble, since they get used for a few months then put up for years.

But, for folks who are going into mass production, I guess it was!

John Yogus
03-30-2008, 9:36 PM
Thanks for the thoughts. This reminds me of my first project. It was a rocking horse for my daughter a few years back. It got me hooked. I have to laugh when I look at some of my mistakes on it. However, my wife doesn't seem to think they are as bad as I make them out to be. And it did survive a 230lb friend of mine taking it for a test drive. I've made a few since that I feel have turned out better each time...in all aspects of woodworking. One nice thing with this hobby, it seems as though you see progression with most every project...atleast for someone like me who has a lot yet to learn. However, I think that first project will always be special.

Christopher Pine
03-30-2008, 9:38 PM
I always kind of thought cribs were not worth the trouble, since they get used for a few months then put up for years.

But, for folks who are going into mass production, I guess it was!

I am not sure how to take your comment. I hope it was said in fun. I apologize for nothing in regards to having my 5 children.

Where does Mass production begin and "normal" leave off? :)

J. Z. Guest
03-30-2008, 9:46 PM
Yes, it was meant in good fun Christopher. I think the national average is 2.3 children, so you're officially a mass producer, hehehe.

My wife and I plan to have two or three. (we'll decide after the second one) She's going to need C-sections, and I tease her and tell her they should just install a ziploc in her belly. :D

My point was just that you are getting very good use of your crib and that I suspect many folks don't.

Christopher Pine
03-30-2008, 9:54 PM
Yes, it was meant in good fun Christopher. I think the national average is 2.3 children, so you're officially a mass producer, hehehe.

My wife and I plan to have two or three. (we'll decide after the second one) She's going to need C-sections, and I tease her and tell her they should just install a ziploc in her belly. :D

My point was just that you are getting very good use of your crib and that I suspect many folks don't.

Yes it sure has gotten used... thats for sure. We have been very fortunate on very little complications etc with child birth and all are healthy. I remember after our first I bought this backpack/stroller thing.. it was very nice. You could put the baby in it and carry them on your back and it also had wheels on it so you could use it as a makeshift stroller (looked kindof like a dolly with a cloth seat) :)
Anyways I bought this thing to use it maybe 4 or 5 times. When I gave it away to some friends to use it looked brand new!
So there are those things we get excited about and find out they outgrow them before we really get our money out of them. :)