View Full Version : Need advice on resawing wet macassar ebony

Cary Swoveland
03-27-2008, 7:04 PM
I have several blocks of macassar ebony that I would like to resaw into 1/2" thick boards, which I'll use for drawfronts, sides and tops of boxes, and so on. The blocks are of varying widths and lengths (up to about 16" long), but most are about 2-1/2 thick. When I received them, all the blocks had been planed and jointed, the ends had been squared and all surfaces had been waxed. They contain 100% usable wood.

I checked several with a moisture meter, inserting the pins about 1/16" into the end grain. Most had readings in the 22%-28% range, but several were more than 30% (the maximum reading).

I would like advice on the best way to air drying the pieces, to minimize cracking and warping. I'm in no rush to use them, but don't want to wait years. One thought is to resaw each into two 1-1/4" slabs and then stack them with stickers. I presume I should leave both faces of each board either waxed or unwaxed. I'm concerned that if they are not waxed, they may dry to quickly, and if waxed, will take forever to dry.

What to do?


Mike Spanbauer
03-27-2008, 7:26 PM
wow, slabbed mac ebony drawer fronts !!!

I would personally suggest veneering it first off. However, that kind of moisture in a wood as dense as ebony... I honestly do not know what to recommend. Generally you ARE looking at years though :(

One trick that turners use is microwaving depending on the size of the unit. But, I do not know if that would work. Hopefully another with more experience on this wood and that high of moisture content can provide some ideas.


Bill Wyko
03-27-2008, 7:56 PM
You may check into having it Kiln dried. Usually when wood is dried this way it won't absorb moisture in the future as easily.

Rob Russell
03-27-2008, 8:39 PM
The key to drying wood is to have the ends sealed. I'd resaw the stock to an 1/8" above where you want it, give the ends another coat of a waxy sealant and stack the wood.

Cary Swoveland
03-27-2008, 11:50 PM
The key to drying wood is to have the ends sealed. I'd resaw the stock to an 1/8" above where you want it, give the ends another coat of a waxy sealant and stack the wood.

Thanks, Bob. I'll give that a try with one of the blocks and see how it goes. I'll resaw to 5/8" and leave the ends waxed and faces unwaxed. I'll report back.


Bill Wyko
03-28-2008, 1:18 AM
I'd be sure to use cauls to keep it flat. IMHO

Cary Swoveland
03-28-2008, 3:32 PM
I thought some of you might want to see what these boards look like. I found one block was already dry, with moisture about 9%, so I resawed it first. I cut it into four boards, each about 1/2" thick after planing. Here are two of them.


I applied mineral spirits to the one on the right, but it didn't have the intended effect (i.e., to simulate appearance after finishing).

Beautiful wood, to my eye.
