View Full Version : membership problem

Charlie McGuire
03-27-2008, 8:39 AM
I've had a membership for a while under the user id "Charlie McGuire", but I must have failed to properly activate it because I was never able to post even though I could log in.

On March 21 or 22, I attempted to contact the site administrators via the contact for the sawmill creek website explaining the situation. At that time, I also made a paypal membership donation. I never rec'd a reply to my email and don't know what happened to the donation (other than I rec'd an automated email suggesting it had been processed).

Since I didn't receive a response, I recently created a new account as "Charles McGuire" and properly activated it - hoping I could post here and get things straightened out.

I would prefer the username "Charlie McGuire", and I would like it credited with the donation I made.

Can anyone help with this problem ? This is great website !


Ken Fitzgerald
03-27-2008, 9:20 AM

Send a PM to Jackie Outten. Give her the date you made the Paypal submission and the name on the Paypal Account. Often the name on the account doesn't agree with the Members name and unless a note is included with the payment she doesn't know who to credit with the payment. Jackie and Keith both work full time jobs so it may take a couple of days for her to reply.

Welcome to the Creek!

Charlie McGuire
03-27-2008, 9:51 AM
Thanks Ken - will do.

I've been a lurker (due to my posting issue) for a long time, but my heretofore limited account status did allow me to view the terrific pictures people post of their projects.

I'm very impressed with the enthusiasm and friendly, helpful nature of things around here. It's a good place :)


Jackie Outten
03-27-2008, 9:27 PM

I have upgraded your account (Charlie McGuire). You should now have access and also show as a 2008 contributor.

Jackie Outten

Charlie McGuire
03-28-2008, 9:08 AM
Thank you Jackie ! Sorry for the hassle I've caused :o

I'm glad to be a real member now :D


Ken Fitzgerald
03-28-2008, 10:18 AM
Charlie......you were a real member as Charles. All members and contributors are members.........

Dennis Peacock
03-28-2008, 10:51 AM
Welcome Charlie.....and glad to have you at SMC. :)

Lurker or not....you are still welcome. :D