View Full Version : Chip Removal

Burt Alcantara
03-26-2008, 12:04 PM
On average, how much pressure, in PSI, is needed to flush out the detritus in a hollow form? To clear the insides I use my shop vac and a toothbrush. Neither is very efficient so it's time to think about a compressor.

Most people would think I should buy something big for down-the-road. I've thought about this for a long time and realized that I have no need for air tools. The inexpensive equivalent is always available electrically at Harbor Freight.

On the other hand, I'm getting into airbrushing. There are a lot of virtually silent compressors in that field but they are in the sub 1hp range and very expensive. I'd rather go that route but don't know if I can get enough of a blast to clear my forms.

All suggestions are welcome!

Jim Becker
03-26-2008, 1:47 PM
I blow it out with compressed air...a little air gun thingie that snaps on to the coiled air hose connected to the drop above the lathe. Sometimes, when it's packed in, I have to use a David Ellsworth "special chip extraction tool"...some bent wire :D...to help things along...

Curt Fuller
03-26-2008, 8:19 PM
If I had a compressor, I'd use an air nozzle. But I don't so I use a piece of tubing about 1/2" dia by about 18" long. I just stick it in there and blow a couple times. Be careful not to inhale with the tube in your mouth. DAMHIKT.

Russ Peters
03-26-2008, 9:30 PM
Not sure if this helps but I was at a club meeting in the Tri-cities area (Johnson City) and the demonstrator used a tea-spoon (long handle type) with a bend at the spoon end to clean out the HF that he was demonstrating turning. He made the comment that blowing it out put up a-lot of dust into the air. I am sure that someone that is a regular member of that club can give the name of the presenter and maybe a better description.

Kennneth Sain
03-27-2008, 7:59 PM
For an air compressor that is not in continuous use, I'm quite pleased with my Craftsman unit. The best part it did not cost the price of numerous appendages. (Yes, I know Craftsman can be an equivalent of profanity, to some).:):(:confused::)

Bob Opsitos
03-27-2008, 8:34 PM
I have one of the new dewalt high pressure ones

Quite happy with it, and I do spray, run some palm sanders, die grinders, powercrafter and such. I do have a second tank I picked up from work in line for when I need to do a lot of spraying.

For the longest time I had a small dewalt electric hand carry that I got along with fine as well. I just got the new one because it was a good deal and by selling the smaller one the upgrade was only like $70.


Allen Neighbors
03-27-2008, 11:28 PM
I also have a drop above my lathe. My compressor kicks on at 90 and kicks off at 125 psi. That's what I use with a 10" nozzle on the end of my air gun. Just stick the tube inside the form and press the thumb lever.
Don't lean over to see how well it's doing. :D