View Full Version : Treadle

Fred Strumpf
03-26-2008, 9:48 AM
Hi all,

I will build a treadle lathe this summer. I am not really a turner, but would use it for spinning wheel and loom restorations.

I do have some details published in the Woodwright Apprentice series, but would like other options before I proceed.

I looked at the lathe in the carving shop at Mystic Seaport. I could build one with the flywheel in my rafters, so that's an option as well.

I am a Neander when it comes to woodworking, stuck in the 18th and 19th century.

Any help/enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.

For me, it's the journey more than the destination. No schedules, just theraputic woodworking.



Jim Underwood
03-26-2008, 1:58 PM
Finewoodworking has a couple of good articles on treadle lathes in their book "Making and Modifying Machines". I've built the flywheel for one, but haven't gotten any farther.:p

There are also several good articles on the internet on making treadle lathes. Just Google it and you'll come up with a bunch of stuff.

Here are a couple links to get you started:


Fred Strumpf
03-26-2008, 2:00 PM

Thanks for the leads, I will follow up.

