View Full Version : SAN DUSKY TOOL plane blades

Alan Schell
03-24-2008, 2:25 PM
A few months ago I attended an auction for the estate of a woodworker. I kinda went a little crazy and bought about as much as i could hall in my car. Don't you hate it when gas prices keep the truck parked at home?

Anyway, I am just now going through some of the boxes of "extras" more closely. what originally looked like a pan full of a bunch of rusted old files ended up containing some plane blades. After my initial cleaning, I have discovered what appears to be a set of 6 plane blades labelled SAN DUSKY Tool. I haven't been able to determine what plane they came from. The 3/4 and 1/2 appear to have seen some heavy use but the rest were just victims of being in the wrong moist place for a very long time.
I did find a site containing the history of the company(1868-1929), but it didn't contain much information about specific tools. Can somebody please point me in the direction of information regarding these blades?

Not to gloat too much, but two of the many planes that I bought at this auction were a never used, still in the box, Stanley SW 45 (well the chip breaker was taken out of the paper, but the paper was in the box). I paid $45 for it. Also, I picked up a very nice Stanley 97 for $25.

This auction was the highlight of my year...

Joe Cunningham
03-24-2008, 3:05 PM
My old wooden plow plane has a Sandusky blade, even though the body is made by a different manufacturer. According to this, they were in business from ~1869-1929.


I always remember Sandusky OH from the goofy movie "Tommy Boy". :p