View Full Version : Hollowing with Forstner

Burt Alcantara
03-22-2008, 1:15 PM
I recently bought an Irwin 10" drill extender to use in my chuck mounted tailstock. Works OK but very slow. I'm using a 7/8" bit. Can this be used free hand? For some reason I get the feeling that the Forstner might be somewhat reckless freehand.

On another note, Woodcraft sells some nice augers, 3/4" up to 30 mm but they are short. Would it be a bad idea to put this short auger on a equally thick spindle handle of, say, 10-12" in length? Sort of like a weird pool cue.


Cyril Griesbach
03-22-2008, 1:41 PM
I don't thing I'd stick a hand held forstner bit into a spinning piece of wood. In fact, I'm sure of it. Check with Irwin tools again for the spiral bits. I think the one I have is 3/4 and about 10" long. Or is that still too short for what you are planning?

Burt Alcantara
03-22-2008, 1:48 PM
Most thick bits have long pilot points so you get a nice flat bottom with a small hole thats about 1/2" or more. Not good for turnings.
The Woodcraft auger pilots are negligible. And less expensive.