View Full Version : Lifter Springs

Jerry Thompson
03-22-2008, 10:06 AM
I have searched several hardware stores in my area and cannot find any small springs used as knife lifters for my Delta Rockwell 37-315. My old suppler @ Ace Hdw no longer has these small springs.

Bob Vallaster
03-22-2008, 5:03 PM
I have had the misfortune to lose 'em in the course of maintenance. More than once. I think they're evil.
Anything will do if the OD is compatible (i.e., fits the hole without falling out). Length can be trimmed with dykes or extended with a little stretch. I have a small collection of springs saved from various things on their way to the trash: ballpoint pen, car distributor, carburetor.
If your hardware isn't carrying springs anymore, try an auto parts place that has hardware beyond nuts-n-bolts (cotter pins, e-clips, cable nuts). Or ask if any cheap carb rebuild kits have springs in them.
Last ditch: visit a delta authorized repair station and pay full price.

Bob V.

Rick Whitehead
03-22-2008, 6:24 PM
Have you tried ordering them directly from Delta? I had to order mine for my 37-315 from them a couple of years ago. I looked for them on other sites, but I couldn't find any with that small of a diameter. They're pricey little things!
However, I think I'm going to remove mine and not use them. I tried Bob Vaughn's method for setting knives with a dial indicator, and I'm sold on it!
When I first got my jointer,I used the knife stop and setting block.That worked OK, but I couldn't get them exactly aligned.One knife was too high, and I didn't want to try resetting it by itself..
When I tried the dial indicator method, I was able to get all of them set exactly. I've never gotten a smoother cut.
Hope this helps.

Pat Germain
03-22-2008, 6:34 PM
I would recommend bringing one of the springs to your nearby NAPA store and asking the clerk to find more just like it. Dollars to dougnuts, they have it or something very similar. NAPA is about the only true auto parts store around these days. They actually carry in stock those annoying little things that break, wear out and get lost, yet you can't find anywhere else. And, they have lots of little springs, fasteners and clips which also come in handy for woodworkers.

Jerry Thompson
03-22-2008, 9:24 PM
Where do I find Bob Vaugn's method? I have been using a dial indicator but I would like to foreget the springs if I can.
Thank yoo

Rick Whitehead
03-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Bob Vaughn's video is here:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2983839096587014177&hl=en
The written article is here:http://www.owwm.com/files/PDF/FAQ/JointerKnives.pdf
Hope this helps.
Rick W