View Full Version : Looking for free (or, at least inexpensive) shop design software

Frank Pellow
03-22-2004, 8:03 AM
In another thread, Kelly Hanna stated:

I used to have a free shop design program that I downloaded off the web, but I can't seem to find the link now. I thought it was called Easy Shop or something like that. Maybe someone else knows where to find it.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows of this or other software that I can use to design my shop? I would be willing to pay something for it -I think that my upper limit is about $30.

Bart Leetch
03-22-2004, 9:04 AM
Hi Frank

Give this a Try its free... http://www.inthewoodshop.org/software/software.shtml

I've used it extensively, having a small shop it is indispensable.

Another free program that I throw in the url for every once in awhile is ieSpell a spell checker for checking your spelling when using internet forums.


I use it & it makes me look like I know how to spell.

You can right click & left click check spelling after you type your post. If that doesn't work as in over on Fine Woodworking just go up to tools & left click & left click on ieSpell.

Frank Pellow
03-22-2004, 9:48 PM
Thanks Bart. I downloaded the software and used it to create a shop layout. The software is quite ancient, quite primative ,and quite restricted but better than nothing (which is what I had).

I found that, if I did the basic layout using the downloaded software and then touched up the result using the Microsoft Paint program, that I arrived at an acceptable layout. It took me a little over an hour to do the layout and about 45 minutes to fix up things with Microsoft Paint. The result of my efforts can be found in a item that I am about to post to the tread entitled "Frank's Workshop Construction Project".

Bill Roland
03-23-2004, 12:29 PM
Frank, Sorry I missed your post yesterday. I have a program called Shopdsn that I can send by E-mail. It is simple to learn and has Icons for your tools so you can place them where they will work. If you still need it let me know and I will E-mail it to you.

Bill Roland

Frank Pellow
03-23-2004, 3:18 PM
Bill kindly sent me the program as he promised to do. However, it turned out to be the same program that I had obtained earlier from the link provided by Bart.

So, I will continue to use that program (augmented by Microsoft Paint) until I hear about something better.

Tom Thompson
03-23-2004, 11:40 PM

Go to Woodworkers Web and download EasyShop Shop designer 1. It's free and has some good features.


Frank Pellow
03-24-2004, 2:16 AM

Go to Woodworkers Web and download EasyShop Shop designer 1. It's free and has some good features.


Thanks Tom. It turns out that this is the same program mentioned by both Bill and Bart (but from a different source). It is a very old program (created in 1995). It uses old technology and is primitive but it does do the basic design job that I needed it to do.