View Full Version : new turning idea what do you think?

curtis rosche
03-20-2008, 9:25 PM
i was recently invited to a cedar dinner and while i was there i saw a large peice of horseradish it was a bigenough peice to turn, i thought about it then went to see how soft it was and it was actually hard anyone else ever thought of turning something like this? youd be able to eat while turning if you could get the shavings to fly into your mouth:D,,

another idea would be to stack up circut boards and epoxy them togethere and make a bowl

Bill Stevener
03-20-2008, 9:31 PM
I really think you have a need to take some time off. :eek::eek:

Jim Meier
03-21-2008, 12:41 AM
OMG horseradish flying!!! that sounds insanely painful, the fumes would overcome most people I'm sure. And your tools would smell forever. A big celeriac root however would be net, with all the "grain" pattern in them and all...

Circuit boards would stink! and the embedded wire may pull out too much unless the tools were SUPER sharp :)

+1 to Bill S's comment

Chris Barnett
03-21-2008, 1:05 AM
horseradish....m-m-m-m g-o-o-o-d. Wonder what horseradish and habanero go like together....maybe a singed pucker. If you could totally infuse a watermelon with hardener or poly, would make an interesting pattern when turned, whereas a cantelope would be boring. Boredom though is the mother of art, or something about....

Barry Elder
03-21-2008, 7:26 AM
Stay in school, Curtis.

Gordon Seto
03-21-2008, 8:22 AM
What were you smoking! Just kidding.

Concentrate on FORM first. That is what will bring you to the next level. If the shape is not pleasing, once the surprise effect is diminished; it is still a common piece.

Richard Raffan,"After the colors have faded and the grain patterns have become obscure, only the form of a bowl will ensure its survival as a desirable object. A bowl of spectacular color or grain will draw gasps of admiration regardless of its shape, but this is no indication of how good a bowl it is. It is the timber that is being praised, not the bowl. While it is all very well to use grain and color to stunning effect, theses characteristics will never outlast the shape--the most important aspect of a bowl."

Jim Becker
03-21-2008, 9:00 AM
I think the big tuber question has been adequately, umm...addressed...

On the circuit board idea, the issue is that there is a lot of metal in circuit boards; some of it not exactly what you want to ingest. So you have the flying metal issue as well as the potential health issues from ingestion/absorption, etc.

curtis rosche
03-21-2008, 11:32 AM
well i didnt really think about the circut board much, but i was thinking unused ones with nothing attatched or it could be exspencive.

as for the horseradish i wasnt smoking anything just got really bored at the cedar meal i was invited to and saw a big peice of horseradish root another food could be radish they are hard too. using food would be fun you wouldnt get much form with something that small but you you could take it to one of those arts food shows and be the only one there. ive also seen a couple things where people have turned corncobs, just thought itd be interesting and different from the beaten lathe

robert hainstock
03-21-2008, 11:53 AM
It was a sader meal I think.:eek:

Brian Brown
03-21-2008, 12:01 PM
You've been using too much oil based fininsh in an enclosed, unventilated space. :) Open a window, take a breath, and look at this repy to an earlier post of mine. Paul was apparently too long in an enclosed space himself. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=62419

ha I even turned a sugar beet one time.... and only one time.:eek: .

It's much prettier and far less messy if you stick to wood. Didja get that stick-wood, stick-wood, stick-wo... oh never mind. Excuse me while I go open a door. I need a little ventilation. :D

curtis rosche
03-21-2008, 12:55 PM
ur signature even says "try something new"

Jim Becker
03-21-2008, 1:03 PM
well i didnt really think about the circut board much, but i was thinking unused ones with nothing attatched or it could be exspencive.

There is metal inside circuit boards most of the time...they are multilayer unless they are extremely old. I was not speaking about components; rather, the electrical pathways built into the circuit boards.

Brian Brown
03-21-2008, 1:14 PM
Yep. You got me there. Give it a try, and be sure to post pics. I'm to far from you to volunteer to help clean up the mess.:p

curtis rosche
03-21-2008, 2:05 PM
id have to beable to find one bigenough to turn first

David Epperson
03-21-2008, 2:23 PM
LOL. While I was in high school I worked in a restaurant and had to grind up fresh horseradish root into horseradish paste. you might just change your mind on that after the first cut. Besides - there ain't much "figure" in those roots. And you thought cantaloupe would be boring. Turning it would not be boring, but the finished product very well might be. But you will not have any sinus problems for awhile after the flushing out you're going to get. :D Just call it the voice of experience. :D

Tim A. Mitchell
03-21-2008, 2:26 PM
Before you turn one . . . if you have not made your owe horseradish before . . . get a small piece, take it outside, and put it in a blender. You will find that it smells much more on the frecsh cut than it does sitting in a jar, or next to your prime rib.

curtis rosche
03-21-2008, 2:31 PM
i wasnt planing on turning it my self just because i dont like horsradish but my stepdad will eat it on crackers and he wont let me tuoch his lathe and i dont want the whole shop at school to smell like that for the next week or so...... ill just get my stepdad to do it at home

David Epperson
03-21-2008, 3:24 PM
i wasn't planing on turning it my self just because i don't like horseradish but my stepdad will eat it on crackers and he wont let me touch his lathe and i don't want the whole shop at school to smell like that for the next week or so...... ill just get my stepdad to do it at home
Something about that just sounds....I don't know....EVIL. ;)

Bernie Weishapl
03-21-2008, 4:06 PM
Curtis you got to much time one your hands. You need to concentrate on form and technique before wondering what to turn next. :D

Hilel Salomon
03-21-2008, 4:23 PM
Ok Curtis,

Horseradish, is a paste made out of the roots of a radish. It is very tasty, but the radish is a smallish plant which you can buy in most grocery stores. Unless it's raw it isn't hot/piquant. The roots, I'm afraid, wouldn't even make a finial. Now, you were at a Seder, which is a Jewish Holiday meal celebrating Passover. I'm afraid that when the Angle Elijah came (he's invited to all Seders) he must have slipped something into your Passover wine.
The ultimate truth, though, is that you're thinking of turning and looking at everything the way a turner does. Even a small part of me, when looking at the devastation and misery the recent tornadoes inflicted, said: " I guess there will be a lot of trees needing to be turned." I was pretty embarrassed by this reaction, but there it is: my confession.
Regards, Hilel.

neil mackay
03-21-2008, 5:00 PM
LOL. While I was in high school I worked in a restaurant and had to grind up fresh horseradish root into horseradish paste.

Agreed! :eek: I have worked in a food processing factory that made horses radish sauce in a big way. All the operators were required to wear full face breathers or respirators.

Stick to wood!

Paul Engle
03-21-2008, 5:53 PM
Ha, I got another one ... Cabbage plant or more correctly walking stick Kale, in the Brassica family ( cabbage, brocolli,cauliflower, turnup, rutabegga, raddish.a turner in England makes canes from the stalks and turns the root ball after letting em dry out.


I have started some seeds and hope the gopher dont eat em this year . I will harvest next yr and see what happens.

Duane Stolldorf
03-21-2008, 8:53 PM
There is a fellow turner near where I live that turns Pine Cones. You have to get the early ones before they open. The design is quite nice.

He also did the corn cob vases.

Larry Marley
03-21-2008, 10:08 PM
How about pumpkin....?


David Epperson
03-22-2008, 9:09 AM
Ok Curtis,

Horseradish, is a paste made out of the roots of a radish. The roots, I'm afraid, wouldn't even make a finial.
Regards, Hilel.
Horseradish is in itself a type of plant. And the roots that I used to grind into Horseradish paste were often 19" to 24" long and 3-4" in diameter. Your finials are bigger than that?

Scott Hubl
03-22-2008, 9:27 AM
CA Fumes.....

Just Say NO!;)

curtis rosche
03-22-2008, 9:31 AM
the only fumes i get are waterlox and dna

Dennis Puskar
03-22-2008, 10:21 PM
I agree with David 100%.


curtis rosche
03-24-2008, 12:30 PM
any one else ever try to turn edible thinngs?