View Full Version : thread chasing question?

neil mackay
03-19-2008, 7:10 AM
I see just recently that there have been a couple of threads on chasing threads etc.

Which brings me to a question. :confused: What would be the favourite TPI/s or pitch/s of the thread chasers used by those who regularly make screw threads?

My current in 10 threads per inch...the only one I own....:D

Jeff Moffett
03-19-2008, 8:31 AM
Neil, great question. I'm curious to read other answers. I took a Mike Mahoney class about a year ago where he taught thread chasing. If memory serves, I believe he taught with 16 TPI tools because it was a nice middle of the road thread count for learning. After the class, I purchased my one and only set of thread chasing tools, and I went with 20 TPI because that's what the Craft Supplies (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Turning_Tools___Special_Purpose_Tools___Premium_Th read_Chasers___prem_thread_chase?Args=) website said was the most commonly used.

Bill Stevener
03-19-2008, 10:07 AM
I use 1/2" - 8 tpi. for wood.
Hear are the photos again.

http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m109/nicebill/MVC-007F.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m109/nicebill/MVC-001F-1.jpg

Jason Hallowell
03-20-2008, 2:18 AM
I'd think that it would depend on the application. In the cue work I've done, I liked to keep it under 18 tpi. Anything finer seemed like the threads were too small to have much strength, and were more prone to breaking or crumbling.

Jeff Moffett
03-22-2008, 2:09 PM
I spoke with Anthony Harris this morning (he's a professional turner known for his threaded boxes - http://acmewoodturning.com/). I asked him what TPI he used most often, and his response was 16. Since I only have 20 TPI today, I may be on my way to purchasing another set of threading tools. :)