View Full Version : Anyone Know What Kind of Tree This Is?

David DeCristoforo
03-18-2008, 7:09 PM
Someone told me it was a "finger wood" but I've never heard of that before...:confused:



Sam Yerardi
03-18-2008, 7:29 PM
From the picture, based on its height next to the house, the dark green color, and its width, and shape, it looks like an Italian Cypress tree (I'm Italian :)).

Aaron Dunham
03-18-2008, 7:41 PM
From the picture, based on its height next to the house, the dark green color, and its width, and shape, it looks like an Italian Cypress tree.

I agree with this.

Peter Quinn
03-18-2008, 7:51 PM
Pretty sure that is a well disguised cell phone tower disguised to get through local zoning.

Rye Crane
03-18-2008, 7:59 PM
I think you are being naughty Yoshi.

Brian Effinger
03-18-2008, 9:27 PM
Is that tree giving us the finger?

David DeCristoforo
03-18-2008, 9:39 PM
"Pretty sure that is a well disguised cell phone tower..."

That was my thought too...


Craig D Peltier
03-19-2008, 10:59 AM
Thats an opossum tree.

Rick Levine
03-19-2008, 11:55 AM
I had several of those at my house when I lived in California and they were called Italian Cypress there.

Raymond Fries
03-19-2008, 12:18 PM
Never seen one of those, but I like unique stuff and this sure delivers.

Rob Luter
03-19-2008, 12:24 PM
I saw one of those in a Dr. Suess book.......

Chris Padilla
03-19-2008, 1:10 PM
I think it's saying: I'm number one, I'm number one....

Eric Gustafson
03-19-2008, 1:23 PM
That is a Sport nut tree. There are several sub species in the genus. This is the "Number one" variety. The other I am aware of is the "Cheese head."

Craig D Peltier
03-19-2008, 1:29 PM
AKA The Whoville tree.

Stephen Edwards
04-12-2008, 8:59 AM
I'm sure it isn't the "correct" name but growing up in eastern NC it was common to see that tree growing in cemetaries. Thus, the common name in that neck of the woods was........a cemetary tree!

JohnT Fitzgerald
04-12-2008, 9:34 AM
definitely one of the funniest threads I've seen....I'm still laughing....

David DeCristoforo
04-12-2008, 11:41 AM
Well it was suggested in a PM that this was:
A) A "Photoshopped" image and:
B) There was a "hidden message"

So let me assure everyone that the truth is (drum roll) C!!! Neither of the above. My son and I have driven by this silly looking thing nearly every day for the last twenty years on our way to the shop. And every time we say "We gotta get a picture of that tree before someone cuts it down or it falls over in a storm." Or (even worse) someone "prunes" it.

Dave MacArthur
04-12-2008, 9:19 PM
'ere now, I believe that is one o' them Ents from Old Forest way! Any Tolkien fan would recognize him!

John Daugherty
04-12-2008, 10:12 PM
The scientific name is "digitalis pointious giganticness"

Gene O. Carpenter
04-12-2008, 10:45 PM
It's most definitely NOT a cell tower disguised as a tree ! About 8 years ago the residents on our street were informed that the Rumson Boro was approving construction of a 175ft cell tower and of course we all attended a special meeting just for our benefit..Every last one of us voted "NO", but they said it was to be built due to Governmental requirements but they were leaving the design up to us lucky residents who will see it every day from then forth.
There were about 30 of us present and we all said a tall Pine tree would look best, at least from the artists renditions of what it would look like when finished.
Well they put it up, all 175ft of it, and it is indescribable!
The top branches are a foot or so long, down 3-4ft and more branches that are 3ft long, drops down 3-4 ft and more branches 5-6 ft long..From there on down to about 40ft from the ground the branches are the same 5-6 long..
Will take a photo of it tomorrow and see if I can re-size it so it can be posted here on the Creek..You will get a laugh out of it!!

David DeCristoforo
04-12-2008, 10:59 PM
I'd love to see that, Gene. But now everyone is going to want to know where to get some of that "tower wood". "Google for it dude....I think I saw something about it on one of those woodworking forums...."

David G Baker
04-12-2008, 11:45 PM
Italian Cypress is my best guess. Had 6 of them at my home in California. Also a familiar site at a cemetery in California.
I want to plant several of them on my place here in Michigan but haven't found out yet if they will survive the cold climate in Michigan.

Joe Chritz
04-13-2008, 5:26 AM
Italian cypress doesn't like cold weather and isn't suited well for Michigan. Upright arbovitae is a good choice that is similar. Skyrocket juniper, I think that is the name, has a similar shape and a nice blue/green coloring.

It does look like italian cypress. They can have a mature height of 40+ feet.


Johnny Fischer
04-13-2008, 8:16 AM
How do you get to the top of that thing at X-mas to put the star on top?

Dave MacArthur
04-14-2008, 2:49 AM
... amazed at how many folks answer this seriously, apparently not getting joke...

Gene O. Carpenter
04-14-2008, 3:35 PM
Well I tried to take a photo of our"Pine Tree" but d#$%d camera don't want to work! I Googled "Pine Tree Cell Towers" and found quite a few photo's from just about everywhere. Some actually look good, like a Pine Tree would if seen from a short distance.
Unfortunately ours wasn't among the better designed and built structures!
I did find a few similar to ours but none quite as ugly! Here is a couple that resemble ours but aren't as scraggly..Ours is 175' to top of mast plus a Dipole antenna for our PD FA and FD, so it's right at 200' to tip..If it were to blow over and fall due South the PD antenna would hit my house..
The one on the left looks most like Rumson's, "tree" but we have 3 bands of antenna's compared to the single band this one shows.
The only good that I have seen come of it is the Osprey's have selected the flat spot on top to build their nest and they're back again this year..
Even those tall Georgia Pines aren't this tall! This thing is so out of place! It's visible more than 20 miles off shore.