View Full Version : TS Extension Table

Paul Fitzgerald
03-17-2008, 2:20 AM
I picked up a new Ridgid TS3660 on sale this past Wednesday and just got it all put together, but not yet fully adjusted, this weekend. (my gloat is forthcoming)

One of the first things I thought was... "Gee, this area between the rails to the right of the table is begging for a worktable extension."

I'm a bit worried there will be an issue with the weight if I attach a 1-1/2" thick laminated extension there. I'd hate for the rails to bend under the weight.

I know there are plenty of people who have installed router tables there, but I can't seem to find any details regarding long-term stability. And I've seen a number of attachment methods, but don't know which methods are able to keep the weight of the extension from pulling the rails down over time.

So I turn to my friends at the creek! ;) What are your thoughts?

Here's a mockup of what I'm interested in. I just stole a picture from the web... my TS is prettier. LOL




Joe Chritz
03-17-2008, 5:05 AM
I have pics of one that someone here has done. This is a stolen picture from somewhere which shows what was used for supports.

If you plan on hanging a router or using it for assembly with some weight on it you may want legs but other than that I assume it would be fine. I have the same saw and one is on the "to do for shop" list.

I'll do some searching and see if I can credit the photo. It was a good thread.


Couldn't find the original thread but there is a ridgid forum that may be worth checking out.

Ken Massingale
03-17-2008, 7:21 AM
The extension is a custom from Woodpecker to match the shorter rear rail.


alex grams
03-17-2008, 7:40 AM
A side router table, as well as an outfeed table are all on my list of things to do.

Here is a link to the ridgid forum on outfeed tables:


If you do build/buy a side router table, i would be interested to see what you came up with.

Fred Woodward
03-17-2008, 10:18 AM
I installed a router table extension on my TS3650 with a M12V Router in it and a Woodpecker Unilift and never had any issues with sagging of the rails or table. I removed the right end CI extension and mounted the router extension in it's place. That is a pretty heavy lift and router but it was rock solid and I never had any issues whatsoever with the setup.
I already had the router table platform from Woodpecker and just cut it to fit the table extension area. Made pockets on the underside for mounting bolts using a Forstner bit and bolted it to the rails and main table just like it would have been with the CI extension.
It was a great setup for me till I replaced the saw with my PM66. Moved that router extension to the PM66 after some more customization of the table to fit the larger PM66 extension area.
I'll see if I can find some pics of the setup but it was pretty straight forward to do. I did remove the right extension for the router table in it's place as I thought the combined weight of the table, lift and router might be too much for long term stability with the rails and supporting structure. If I had it to do again, that is how I would still do it.

Paul Fitzgerald
03-17-2008, 1:32 PM
I did some more thinking and don't believe there's any reason for me to make a fully 1-1/2" thick extension. A 3/4" thick top covered in plastic laminate and trimmed with a hardwood frame would probably be sufficient.

If you plan on hanging a router or using it for assembly with some weight on it you may want legs but other than that I assume it would be fine. I have the same saw and one is on the "to do for shop" list.


Joe, I don't plan on hanging a router in the extension, as I recently built a router table. And since I really need the TS to remain mobile, I'd prefer not to have to use legs. I think the angle iron in the pic you posted would be sufficient to hold the extension in place.

I installed a router table extension on my TS3650 with a M12V Router in it and a Woodpecker Unilift and never had any issues with sagging of the rails or table. I removed the right end CI extension and mounted the router extension in it's place. That is a pretty heavy lift and router but it was rock solid and I never had any issues whatsoever with the setup.

I already had the router table platform from Woodpecker and just cut it to fit the table extension area. Made pockets on the underside for mounting bolts using a Forstner bit and bolted it to the rails and main table just like it would have been with the CI extension.
It was a great setup for me till I replaced the saw with my PM66. Moved that router extension to the PM66 after some more customization of the table to fit the larger PM66 extension area.
I'll see if I can find some pics of the setup but it was pretty straight forward to do. I did remove the right extension for the router table in it's place as I thought the combined weight of the table, lift and router might be too much for long term stability with the rails and supporting structure. If I had it to do again, that is how I would still do it.

Fred, you did all that without legs? Wow, it sounds like I've got nothing to worry about. :D
