View Full Version : mullbery bowl critique

curtis rosche
03-16-2008, 8:29 PM
heres a bowl i just finished out of mulberry this wood turns so nice the wood is yellow but it will eventually turn dark brown/tan i got this from a huge mulberry tree about 3 years ago about 3.5ft thick wish i had gotten the whole tree not just 2 slabs (5x3.5), my dad had the rest of the tree taken away by the tree cutters here are the pics

tim mathis
03-16-2008, 8:42 PM
looks good to me.

Ben Gastfriend
03-16-2008, 9:24 PM
Some nice wood and a nice finish. You should get your shop teacher to let you set up a photo booth.

Bernie Weishapl
03-16-2008, 9:34 PM
Nice looking bowl and some nice wood. I like turning Mulberry.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-16-2008, 9:54 PM
Very nice bowl Curtis! Keep at it!

Robert McGowen
03-16-2008, 10:32 PM
It looks like you have the bowl shape and nicely done thin walls down just fine. Personally though, I would cut off everything that you are holding onto in the 2nd photo and keep the bowl that was left. :)

curtis rosche
03-17-2008, 11:11 AM
we dont have a photo booth or anything i just took the pics when i sat down at my computer at home.

Tom Sherman
03-17-2008, 1:56 PM
Nice job Curtis, looks very nice.

Dick Strauss
03-17-2008, 3:10 PM
I second Robert's comments about losing some foot height.

curtis rosche
03-17-2008, 3:25 PM
ill work on less footing

robert hainstock
03-17-2008, 6:39 PM
It seems that sometimes we try too hard to keep more of the wood in a piece,Curtis. That sense of perportion will come with time. I personaly like the piece, and I'm sure I have some around here that compare. :):)

curtis rosche
03-18-2008, 11:28 AM
yeah i just cant see wasting a lot of wood that started out as a 6x8 blank i cut but there were some cracks i was going to go deeper but since i broke the big toolrest i couldnt get a toolrest close enough.

Dennis Peacock
03-18-2008, 12:04 PM
yeah i just cant see wasting a lot of wood that started out as a 6x8 blank i cut but there were some cracks i was going to go deeper but since i broke the big toolrest i couldnt get a toolrest close enough.


Robert brought up a point that many overlook or never knew about. Travis Stinson is a person that I've learned some things about turning from. One of those is that we as turners try to save too much wood so we err of the side of caution or waste not/want not and we totally forget about "form" when turning. Now I realize that there is a "balance" between hogging away wood and turning wood away just enough to give us something turned. I'm just as guilty as anybody on saving wood where I can and forgetting about proper or pleasing forms in my some of my turnings. For me, it was a hard habit to break, but I've had much better success in form and function when I stay more concerned about how I want it to look rather than how I hope it will look if I can only save all this wood and keep it as large as I can...kind of thing. ;)

Clear as mud?? :confused: :D

Overall, I think you did really well on this one. Keep it up and post more pics. You'll be amazed at your progress as you spend more time turning and learning. :)

curtis rosche
03-18-2008, 1:39 PM
WHAIT TILL YOU SEE the next thing i did after turning the apple burl i played around allittle and i now have a little cup you can almost see through the whole thing base too