View Full Version : Dust collector cleaning

Craig D Peltier
03-15-2008, 7:46 PM
I have the delta 1.5 hp 760 (I think). It has the 1 micron bag on top. Do you all beat it out and turn it inside out every time you empty the lower bag? That has to be one of my least favorite jobs, I wer google and mask and get very dusty still.
It usally has thousands of chips stuck to it and fine dust.
Just wondering what the majority does.
I usally beat it 9 out of 10 times.

Dick Bringhurst
03-15-2008, 8:54 PM
I usually just beat mine (when I had one) I shook it out once on a windy day. The neighbors loved it. I switched to a canister filter. Dick B.

Craig D Peltier
03-15-2008, 9:15 PM
I usually just beat mine (when I had one) I shook it out once on a windy day. The neighbors loved it. I switched to a canister filter. Dick B.

Canister filters remove easy so you can get the bag off?
Also the canister filter has what an arm that brushes the inside like jets so you dont have to do that?

John Michaels
03-16-2008, 1:33 AM
I turn mine inside out, beat out the dust, use shop vac to remove most of the dust and chips, then throw it in the washer & dryer. I have one of the big front loading washing machines with lots of room. A standard washing machine with an agitator might be kind of hard on the bag and the built in metal band.

Dick Bringhurst
03-16-2008, 4:21 AM
John, the instructions I got when I went to the 1 micron bag was not to put them in the washer. But that's a moot point now. Dick B.

Wayne Cannon
03-16-2008, 9:04 PM
Bags and canisters depend on some "cake" to improve their filtering. Although the cake builds up pretty quickly, it implies to me that there is no reason to worry about a real thorough job of cleaning the filter bag

I just beat (rap?) the filter bag all over with a stick (or rotate the canister beater), wait a while for the dust to settle, and then change the collection bag.

My cyclone suggests blasting its canister filter from the outside with an air hose.