View Full Version : Why does CA smoke and go white only sometimes?

Joel Sauder
03-15-2008, 5:59 PM
I have been working on some pens lately and applying a CA finish. Most of the time when I hit the glue with the CA accelerator there is no problem. But ocassionally the glue smokes and goes white. I have not been able to figure out why it does this only sometimes. In my experience it happens the most with thin CA, but that might be conjuecture on my part.

Anyone have any thoughts on the subject?


Nathan Hawkes
03-15-2008, 7:04 PM
I think it has to do with the humidity, like lacquer. I could be wrong here. Not sure. It never has gone white when i use accelerator, though. I thought the smoke had to do with how wet the wood was. It seems to do it much more when I try to fill voids with thin glue then put the shavings in. It doesn't do it with thick glue.

Steve Kubien
03-15-2008, 7:29 PM

I have never used accelator but I do get the smoke sometimes on splated and/or punky wood. No idea why, just know I don't like it very much. As for the white...yes but only on wet wood.

Steve Kubien

Bernie Weishapl
03-15-2008, 8:45 PM
Joel I have had it go white and smoke on green wood. It also will turn white on me sometimes with accelerator.

Curt Fuller
03-15-2008, 9:08 PM
Smoke or steam? I've always thought it was the CA reacting to the moisture in the wood. Spit will accelerate CA about the same as the store bought accelerator. DAMHIKT

robert hainstock
03-16-2008, 6:36 AM
The videos i've seen on CA finish used BLO for accelorater. I've only used it a few times, but have not expierenced the cloudy phenom. :):eek:

Bobby Perry
03-16-2008, 9:54 AM
Don't breath in that smoke!! It will knock you on your backside.:D DAMHIK

Darryl Hansen
03-16-2008, 2:14 PM
Joel, CA sets up in moisture and/or alkaline situations. Ca accelerator is primarily water and soda I believe. The water I am certain of. If your turning has moisture in it and you use thin it will fume badly particularly if the wood has fungus on it or is very basic in chemistry. If it sets too rapidly it will turn white while it bubbles. I think it is also more brittle when it sets so fast. The smoke is irritating but although CA has a cyanide base it that portion of it has been altered when it (the CA) was made.

Jason Hallowell
03-16-2008, 2:26 PM
I'm not sure, but I think the smoking and going white is the result of different parts of the CA curing at very different speeds. This can be caused by various things, like moisture (either on the wood or in the air), reaction to various chemicals that may be present, applying accelerator to soon or unevenly, and many other things. I've noticed that the age/freshness of the CA can have an effect on how readily it will happen.