View Full Version : Little Cherry Bowl

Jon Lanier
03-15-2008, 5:38 PM
Here is a little Cherry bowl I did with a satin finish. Tom Keen gave me some cherry and this is one of the results. Also, my new home built light box/tent was used for the picture. So some critique on the picture would be good to. After dinner I'll try some more pics.


Dennis Puskar
03-15-2008, 9:47 PM
Very nice, what size did you make it ?

Jon Lanier
03-15-2008, 9:57 PM
Very nice, what size did you make it ?

Well, that's another thing I didn't do... doh. So busy taking picture right with new light box... didn't think to take more pictures and that bowl just went out the door with some friends tonight. So........ I'd say it was about 5 inches in Diameter.

David Walser
03-15-2008, 10:33 PM

I like the bowl. I've got some concerns with the picture:
Is the white balance off? I've never seen cheery look that yellow. Try adjusting the white balance until you get a color that is closer to what you see in real life. (Of course, the cherry could be yellow. In which case, the white balance is alright.)
It looks like you've over-exposed the picture. Look at the highlights along the rim of the bowl on both the right and left. All the detail is blown out. Over exposure would also affect the white balance.
You might have needed to over-expose the upper part of the bowl to get the proper exposure at the base of the bowl. (On average, the exposure is okay. We just don't see the average; our eyes are drawn to the highlights.) Try widening the distance between your lights and moving the one on the left (or the right) a little lower so the base is not in full shadow. Or, you could use a white bounce card inside the light box to cast more light towards the base of the bowl. Another option would be to put some netting or something similar on top of your light box to "dampen" the strength of the light. A combination of these approaches should allow you to get a picture that shows the beauty of the bowl, from base to rim, without too much shadow or blown out highlights.I hope you find these suggestions helpful. I like the contrast between the bowl and the background. You've got the makings of a good photo. I just think some tweaks would improve it.

Tom Sherman
03-15-2008, 10:38 PM
Jon the bowl looks good, I'm not much help with pictures, I'm still struggling too. But maybe a lighter background would help, Grey maybe.

Jon Lanier
03-15-2008, 11:05 PM
Thanks guys, I need all the help I can get. I tried some pics the old fashion way, but alas, those must come back from the store.

Bernie Weishapl
03-15-2008, 11:30 PM
Jon the bowl is a beauty. Well done.

Bill Stevener
03-16-2008, 11:08 AM

I like the bowl. I've got some concerns with the picture:

Is the white balance off? I've never seen cheery look that yellow. Try adjusting the white balance until you get a color that is closer to what you see in real life. (Of course, the cherry could be yellow. In which case, the white balance is alright.)
It looks like you've over-exposed the picture. Look at the highlights along the rim of the bowl on both the right and left. All the detail is blown out. Over exposure would also affect the white balance.
You might have needed to over-expose the upper part of the bowl to get the proper exposure at the base of the bowl. (On average, the exposure is okay. We just don't see the average; our eyes are drawn to the highlights.) Try widening the distance between your lights and moving the one on the left (or the right) a little lower so the base is not in full shadow. Or, you could use a white bounce card inside the light box to cast more light towards the base of the bowl. Another option would be to put some netting or something similar on top of your light box to "dampen" the strength of the light. A combination of these approaches should allow you to get a picture that shows the beauty of the bowl, from base to rim, without too much shadow or blown out highlights.I hope you find these suggestions helpful. I like the contrast between the bowl and the background. You've got the makings of a good photo. I just think some tweaks would improve it.

I think it's a very nice bowl. Haven't you ever seen a under ripe cherry?? :D

Joseph Peacock
03-16-2008, 1:34 PM
Cool... that is beautiful. My dad uses gray for his backround of his pics.:D

Steve Schlumpf
03-16-2008, 2:17 PM
Jon - nice bowl! Lots of suggestions for you so far - I'd like to add one more.

I always like to see into a bowl or hollow form just a little so that I know it is not a solid piece of wood. Doesn't have to be much - just having the camera angle barely peaking over the rim of the bowl would change the entire perspective of the photo.

Have fun with it!

Jon Lanier
03-16-2008, 3:32 PM
Thanks everyone... I'm a learning. And by the way, this isn't Cherry... doh. It is maple, don't know what in the world was and still is wrong with my mind. :(