View Full Version : loose tenon stock???

Jay Yoder
03-15-2008, 6:38 AM
I found someone selling beadlock style loose tenon stock that is hickory. Would there be any issues using it with other species such as oak, cherry, walnut etc? I am relatively new to woodworking and did not know if mixing species would introduce different expansion rates. Thanks for letting me pick your collective brains.

Loren Hedahl
03-15-2008, 9:11 AM
Even within a species, or even a piece of wood there are a variety of expansion rates. That's why knots fall out.

Also the amount of moisture within a piece of wood varies from the surface to the inside.

All this causes checking, splitting, bowing, cupping, twisting, kick backs, you name it!

Even the drill you use with your bead loc setup will vary in diameter as it heats from drilling.

So what's a feller to do?

Just be happy with your hickory tenons. In fact, capitalize on them! Tell everyone who will listen to you that one of the reasons your product is so much better than the other guy's is because of your hickory tenons.

Cliff Rohrabacher
03-15-2008, 11:51 AM
Just be happy with your hickory tenons. In fact, capitalize on them! Tell everyone who will listen to you that one of the reasons your product is so much better than the other guy's is because of your hickory tenons.

lol how true.

John Thompson
03-15-2008, 2:33 PM
You'll probably get less contraction and expansion with hickory.. ash.. oak and beech than what your're using for the furniture stock itself IMO.

I would look at any of the above as green light and "go to go"!


Brian Kent
03-15-2008, 5:19 PM
Jay, aren't you the famous woodworker who makes his furniture with Hickory Tenons?

Peter Quadarella
03-15-2008, 6:22 PM
LOL that was good. :)