View Full Version : explain well when ordering wood (long)

Dave Stoler
03-14-2008, 12:17 PM
Explain well when ordering wood over the phone.
Recently I got into trying to turn boxes.With the scarcity of dry turning stock in my shop I decided to buy some large size cocoblo stock.As in 4x4 and 6x6 by 60in. It was advertised as "kiln dryed."I placed my order and was told on the phone that they were the largest cocobolo dealer in the USA and that it would be no problem finding suitable stock.I let them know that I was going to turn lidded boxes and that I wanted the full 6x6 size to turn larger pieces and that I didn,t want pieces with pith or allot of sap wood.They said no problem ,that they would hand pick me 2 nice pieces.They even threw in free shipping.
I agreed to giving them my life savings and waited patiently.
When it arrived about a week later I was dismayed when opening the 104 pound 6x6 box.It had a 3/4 deep check dead center through the full length.I called the company and told them it had a 3/4 in check down the center.He actually asked me"whats a check?".A CRACK! I told him. I was told by the guy that it was the best they had .I let him know it was just not usable for my stated and intended purpose.He offered nothing other than to say he would give me a heck of a deal on my next order(yeah right!). I fiquired worse case scenario was that I would rip the log along the length and have a bunch of 6x6x3 bowl blanks.Not all bad.
Until a couple days later I cut a short block off the 4x4.I was shocked!It was obviously a branch or very young tree as it had the pith running end to end dead center with light sap wood on 3 of the 4 edges.Back to the phone I go.I told the receptionest that I had some wood to return.Half way through her getting my info she puts another guy on the phone and he proceeded to give me his best custumer relations speel and told me if I could wait 24 hrs. he would get back to me with a solution to make me happy. Naturally no call on that friday and on monday I call them back.
He proceeds to tell me when I finally get him on the phone that all large pieces have pith and checks (not true...the 6x6 would have been a awesome 4x4 :) )..At that point I got mad and told him to come get them and that I would not be paying return shipping.He agreed and had a fed ex truck at my home the next day.
So not all bad,but irritateing none the less.Sorry for the long rant guys , but if you want the company name PM me and I will provide it.Or maybe I don,t have a gripe and exspect too much?
Haven,t gotton word of my credit card being credited so there may be a part 2 to this story.

Brian Effinger
03-14-2008, 12:30 PM
Wow, what a horrible experience. I think you were right to return it, and get mad at the lack of customer service. This issue should have been resolved with the first phone call. I'd ask for the name of the supplier, but I can't work with cocobolo so I wouldn't order some anyway (it's the one thing in the entire world I am alergic to).

I hope you can find some replacement stock somewhere else.

Gordon Seto
03-14-2008, 12:59 PM

If you posted and asking for suggestion on suppliers, you may have saved all your headache. You have an exotic hardwood candy store at your back yard. You can hand select before you buy. Berea Hardwood has superb service, huge inventory and reasonable price. They are also the supplier of some of the best pen kits. But unless we buy in "HUGE" quantity, we may be able to get better pricing from their resellers.
Berea Hardwoods (http://www.bereahardwoods.com/new/tooling/tooling.cfm#3)
I haven't been there for some time. It is difficult to make up my mind with all the goodies; I usually buying more than I intended to go for.
BTW, a lot of people are allergic to cocobolo. I can't sand it without my powered respirator (itchy eyes, running nose and nasal bleeding); I also develop some redness between my fingers.