View Full Version : Were to Place the 3520B in the Garage/Shop?

Scott Hubl
03-13-2008, 8:10 AM
OK Now that I ordered it, WHERE should I put it?

I have my 1442 just off to the side of center stage, not really thought out, just an open area at the time with a 110V plug overhead. Its close to the table saw that sits in the center of the shop.

My shop is pretty packed but the new lathe will take center stage so to speak.

I'm ready to revamp and move everything around as I need to run 2- 220V outlets to the lathe, one for the lathe and one for a Gast vac pump if I feel the HoldFast one isnt enough plus I need to run(depending on were placed) 110V for seperate circut lighting for the lathe.

Should it be placed off to the side at an angle to the wall?
Placed in the middle of my shop with all plugs overhead?
Up front close to the overhead garage door?(but then no overhead plugins as the door will open and hit the cords)

I will have the 18" bed attached in the lower position and work more from the end of the lathe than anywhere else I believe. Even turning small things like pen and bottle stoppers i'll most likely keep the head slide down.

I'd like your opinions on this please and lots of PICS would help too.

I need to get workin on this NOW and get someone out to do the electrical work so placement is CRITICAL.

I know its up to me to decide but I'd really like to get some feedback and thoughts pros and cons if you will.

At this point I can basically put it anywere in the shop since electrical has to be run anyways.


Bruce McElhaney
03-13-2008, 8:38 AM
I went through the same thing when I got my 3520a. It's also in a garage/shop. I finally decided to put the lathe under a window on the wall opposite the garage door. At first I had it up against the wall, but finally moved it out a bit so I could get behind to retrieve stuff that falls on the floor and for cleaning up shavings. Even with the window light I have a couple of other lights to help me see what I'm trying to do. I already had a 220V outlet on a different wall, but wired 220 under the window beczuse I felt the location was that important. Ultimately the location is up to you as personal preference, just don't box yourself in!

Bruce McElhaney,
Spring Lake, MI

Russ Peters
03-13-2008, 3:08 PM
Sounds like too many choices for one man to make. You can just divert it to my house:D:D:D