View Full Version : 15,100lbs of Wood Gloat

Joel Sauder
03-12-2008, 6:41 PM
Ok, this wood disease is getting out of control!

A couple of weeks ago me and a fellow turner stopped by the local arborist's woodpile. He said he had a walnut stump that was the graft between an English and Black Walnut that might have some nice figure in it that he would make us a deal on. It was about 5:30pm that day and getting dark, plus the stump was at the bottom of the pile. But it looked to be about 2.5 feet in diameter and 6 feet long, we figured that even if it didn't have any cool figure it would be fun to have that much walnut. We said we would take it.

Today we went to pick it up. Look what he loaded in the back of the truck! It has 4 crotches plus the graft zone and it sure ain't no 2.5 ft by 6 ft. It weighted 2100lbs on the local trucker scales.

And if that was not enough, he made us a bonus deal on this Silver Maple stump. That brute you see next to my Toyota Tacoma is a easy 5 feet at the butt, and it weighed 13,000lbs when they cut it last fall. It has a rotten heart, but here is the part that is going to make you cry, the whole upper end is a mass of birdseye burl! I roughed out 2 chunks today. A 14in bowl and a 9 inch hollow form (my first ever). Tomorrow we are going to make our first efforts at carving it into manageable chunks.

If someone has been looking for a nice piece of figured walut or maple for a special project, I would be happy to share wealth. Just send me a PM and we can work out some sort of deal.

Don Robert
03-12-2008, 6:47 PM
That is worthy of a gloat - a big gloat. Congrats. If I lived a little closer, I'd take a little off your hands, er, I mean fork lift. Pardon me while I wipe the droolings off the floor beneath my computer. Don't bother buying steel toed shoes - they wouldn't begin to keep your toes safe if you dropped that on them.

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2008, 6:54 PM
Holy cow Joel. Now that is a wood gloat. Congrats on some fine looking wood.

Chris Padilla
03-12-2008, 7:07 PM
words no justice so:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

curtis rosche
03-12-2008, 7:57 PM
i can beleive ur find i would be willing to trade some spaulted cherry burls and some apple burl(the wood that is said doesnt exsist!) for some maple burl speaking of grafts think there is a tree anywhere that some one tried maple and walnut of similar

Charles Hannemann
03-12-2008, 8:14 PM
Humm I see a PM 3520b coming soon or maybe a Oneway 2436!:rolleyes: :cool: In that gold mine you got there and thats just the piece you would not be keeping for yourself to turn your new equipment!

great hunting job

charlie knighton
03-12-2008, 8:23 PM
great, gloat all ya want, how far is it between Lewiston, Idaho and virginia
hm, i could not even drive out there in 2 days, good haul :D

Paul Douglass
03-12-2008, 8:45 PM
Holy cow, what size lathe do you turn that on!!!:eek: Very COOL!

Steve Schlumpf
03-12-2008, 9:09 PM
Congrats on the wood! Looking forward to seeing some of that beautiful maple real soon!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-12-2008, 10:45 PM
Congrats Joel! That should keep you busy for a while!

Dick Strauss
03-13-2008, 2:00 AM
Nice haul Joel! I hope you've got one monster chainsaw to tackle those two beaties!

Scott Hubl
03-13-2008, 6:41 AM

Nice haul thats for sure!


Tom Sherman
03-13-2008, 8:01 AM
that's a great gloat Joel.

robert hainstock
03-13-2008, 8:08 AM
Ain't no wood purtier than walnut stump figure. You rock:D:D:D

Glenn Hodges
03-13-2008, 10:09 AM
You lucky so and so.

John Tallyn
03-13-2008, 3:24 PM
You do suck,:D but I've also sent you a PM

curtis rosche
03-13-2008, 6:25 PM
what does that wood at the middle of the graft where they meet look like?

Joel Sauder
03-13-2008, 10:45 PM

That is the $64,000 question, I don't really know. From what I have been able to learn online, it can range from a rather plain shift from one species of wood to another, or it can induce wild burl and curl. Won't know until I get the chainsaw into it.

Don Orr
03-14-2008, 8:28 AM
That'll do nicely. Fell into a big pile of you-know-what and came out smelling like a rose !:eek::D;)

Wish I was closer. Enjoy !!!