View Full Version : Cherry HF need help

Brian McInturff
03-11-2008, 9:39 PM
Ok, I had a rough weekend. I changed shape on this thing 3 times. Ended up with a form I'm not all that happy with, but it is actually functional. It started out as a HF ona pedestal but as I was turning the stem it broke. Somehow I knew as soon as it did and caught the dang thing and was able to save the HF portion. Finally got it rechucked and managed to salvage this form from it. Anyway, the pics don't do it justice. This burl has a lot of chatoyance that I just don't know how to capture on the camera. Anyway, the problem I have is with the last pic. There was some tearout or something that I missed and it didn't show until I started the finishing process. I even thought I had it pretty well covered with the multiple coats of Tung oil. But once I put the wax to it it shows. Like the wax found the minute divets and built up there. It shows more in the pic than in person but it bothers me. It;s the only thing that detracts from it other than the unusual form. What's the best way to get rid of it. Strio it back down and start over with my sanding, strip it down and go with a different finish like a lacquer? Any thoughts would be appreciated. In pic 2 the whitish look you see is a glare coming off the light. This thing is really polished. It looks like glass in person. One of these days when I have time I'm going to learn how to take some really good pics.

Brian McInturff
03-11-2008, 9:40 PM
Oh yeah, dimensions are 10 x 5 x5/32walls

Steve Schlumpf
03-12-2008, 7:46 AM
Brian - beautiful wood! Lots of light bouncing around in that piece! No magic answer for you with the tear-out. The only way I have managed to tame it was to sand it out. On some pieces you just have to accept that it is as good as it's going to get. Seeing as you don't have a lot of wood to work with - I would say it's finished. Chances are - you are the only one that it will bother.

Nice work! What's next?

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2008, 9:21 AM
Brian that is a great piece and a nice save by the way. I would try and see if mineral spirits will take the wax off. I have taken wax off that way. If it does, I would do that and then let it dry for a week or so then put several light coats of lacquer on it.

curtis rosche
03-12-2008, 9:59 AM
thats an awsome burl are u making anything out of the peice in the back

Brian McInturff
03-12-2008, 10:17 AM
My wife stole the New Mallee burl pictured in the back. She likes it the way it is. I had bought it to make a Valentines day gift for her. She saw it and took it. She has it as the center piece on the table. She says it looks like a loaf of bread:eek:

Brian McInturff
03-12-2008, 10:22 AM
I may give that a try Bernie. I've got 4 more burls that have that same awesome grain and color. Trying to decide how I want to mount them and hoping I don't have another incident. My luck will run out soon. I think my wife is going to put either candy or popouri in it. The opening is large enough my hand goes in without ever touching the sides. That's why I decided to dish it out after the stem broke.

robert hainstock
03-12-2008, 4:14 PM
The piece is beautiful the way it is. It will take a lot of sanding, or scrapeing to make the divot disapear. Sometimes you just have to live with it. If you go back at it, good luck! :eek::eek::)

Ben Gastfriend
03-12-2008, 5:48 PM
Looks great to me, anyway. Awsome wood, and I do like the form.