View Full Version : Osolinik?? Jet 1642 vs 3520

Ron Bontz
03-11-2008, 10:15 AM
I have probably a silly question. A) As some of you know I have for sale a jet 1642 I bought before it really hit me just how big these things are , My shop over flowith. Since it will not work on the bench my current little craftsman is on (multi use bench). I have been obsessing of a way to rearrange my shop. Not much time these days. SOOOO here is the question. If this were you. Would you stuff this thing in a corner somewhere until you could come up with a spot for it or sell it and wait for a 3520b at some point? Also do you really think the PM is that much better for someone who does not do an excessive amount of turning? Perhaps even the 1442 Jet. :confused:I am leaning toward just stuffing it in a corner some where. At least for a while. Thanks for your time.

Harvey M. Taylor
03-11-2008, 10:48 AM
If you put a mustard 3520b in your shop, your turning time will definitely increase. Take it from someone who did that. Max

Jim Becker
03-11-2008, 11:05 AM
Ron, the 1642 is "somewhat" the 3520's little sister, but both require similar space to work with during use. Either machines would be a pleasure to turn on, IMHO. In selling your current machine, you're going to lose some ground financially, despite it being so new, so if there is any way for you to persevere and keep it, it may be the better choice.

Mike Golka
03-11-2008, 11:16 AM
I have just the corner for it :D

Ron Bontz
03-11-2008, 12:00 PM
As always some insightful comments. Decisions decisions. Well, perhaps it is time to rearrange and reevaluate that 22x24 space. Perhaps I can incorporate some fluted spindles into the kitchen cabinets my spouse implied to a relative I would be building soon. After all, my little craftsman just doesn't have the indexing and jig potential this one has. I'll have to see if there is a mobile base for it. Thanks.

Chris Stolicky
03-11-2008, 5:57 PM
You can keep it my corner! :D

Mike Peace
03-11-2008, 8:57 PM
I would worry about upgrading to a PM later. You need to find a space in your shop where you can get to turning on the Jet. Is a PM 3520b better? Yes, but if you are not turning now getting your shop rearranged and start turning is what you should concentrate on now, IMHO. Turning has a Fast Fun Factor! Get to turning.

Dick Strauss
03-12-2008, 12:55 AM
I think those lathes have roughly the same footprint so switching doesn't help. Some folks have mounted their lathe on wheels. After making the lathe mobile, I'd put it in the corner when not in use and wheel it out for fun.

FYI-I have a workshop that is 6'x20' total. My tools include a 10" TS, 14" BS, DP, router table, CMS, 14" lathe, 8" grinder, 3 chainsaws, and 8' wood rack. Everything in my shop has to be mobile and neatly stowed when not in use.

Good luck,

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2008, 9:26 AM
Ron IMHO I think you would be money ahead to keep what you have. You said you don't turn a whole lot and space is already a factor. So you spend about $1000 to $1500 more for the 3520 with the same or slightly larger footprint and then turn on occasion to me does not make sense. I turned on the 1642 but ended up with the Nova DVR since it had a smaller footprint and fit my shop well. I would rearrange your shop and stick with what you have. It is a great lathe.