View Full Version : Log-in each time site is visited.

Mike Wilkins
03-10-2008, 1:35 PM
Is this a standard order of operations now? I have to log in every time I access this site. Minor inconvenience but just wondering. Thanks. Mike.

Tom Veatch
03-10-2008, 3:03 PM
Check and make sure you have cookies enabled for this website.

Keith Outten
03-10-2008, 8:35 PM

Check your cookie as Tom suggested. Also when you leave The Creek don't log out just close your browser window.


Matt Ranum
03-11-2008, 4:15 PM
I also have a similar problem but mine goes a step further. I can be on the site looking at threads and then out of the blue I can't see the pictures anymore, only the links to them and I look up and sure enough I'm not logged in anymore.:confused::confused::confused: Its like its on a timer.

And yes I accept all cookies.( although peanut butter is my favorite :p)

Kevin McIntyre
03-12-2008, 9:41 AM
I have found that if you have a virus program or ad-ware some of them will erase your log in each time they are ran ,hope this helps

Matt Ranum
03-12-2008, 3:18 PM
Well I will have to check my settings again. Just seems odd that I am on a bunch of different boards and this is the only one I have issues with.

Gotta love computers.:rolleyes:

Tom Veatch
03-12-2008, 4:24 PM
Grasping at straws here, but do you have some automated system cleaner software, e.g. McAfee QuickClean, that runs frequently? I run QuickClean, a component of the McAfee Anti-Virus package, as a scheduled job on the 1st of every month. One of the settings is to clean/delete stored cookies. After running it, I have to re-login to SMC and a couple of other sites that run vBulletin. If I ran it daily, then I'd either have to re-login every day or disable the cookie cleaning feature.

Edit: I just ran the cleaner manually and I had to re-login to SMC afterward as well as one of the other vBulletin sites. Strange thing is, the vast majority of cookies in the folder appeared to be unaffected. Don't know why it deleted the vBulletin cookies and left so many others.