View Full Version : 2008 AAW Symposium- Box Turner's SIN

Michael Stafford
03-10-2008, 6:09 AM
On Friday night, June 20, from 7:30 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. there will be a Box Makers Session as part of the Special Interest Night at the AAW Symposium in Richmond. A gathering focused on turned boxes seems particularly appropriate considering the number of box-related demonstrations that will be at this symposium. This Box Makers SIN session will be hosted and moderated by Ed Moore and Mike Stafford.

As of this date, secured commitments from Mr. Richard Raffan, Mr. Mark St. Leger, Dr. Kip Christensen and Mr. Benoit Averly to participate in a Question & Answer session have been obtained. Mssrs. Raffan, St. Leger and Averly are on the Symposium agenda demonstrating box turning. There are additional persons of note who have made tentative commitments to drop by this Special Interest session and participate as panelists. In addition, Ed Moore insists there will be a surprise Mystery Panelist participating, who Ed refuses to name.

The agenda will include a Box Makers Exhibition/Instant Gallery for that night only where those choosing to exhibit their efforts may place up to two boxes on display. Those choosing to sell their displayed boxes are welcome to do so. The panelists may display as much of their work as they choose. After an appropriate amount of time spent examining the wide variety of boxes in the Box Makers Instant Gallery, the panel of experts will field questions from the attendees. Please note that the Box Makers Instant Gallery will be in the room assigned for this special session and it is NOT part of the main Instant Gallery which is held elsewhere.

Please consider reserving that Friday evening for participation in this discussion and display of turned boxes by AAW enthusiasts.

Tom Sherman
03-10-2008, 9:00 AM
This sounds like an awesome opportunity Mike. Folks we know already that Mike Stafford is an excellent Box crafter, and combined with the no less Amazing talents and knowledge of the rest of the gentlemen mentioned, this proves to be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Michael Stafford
03-10-2008, 9:09 AM
Tom, thank you very much but I am just organizing this event with Ed Moore and the real stars are the guests we have been able to procure. I can hardly wait to see what I hope will be one of the largest displays of turned boxes ever assembled.

I encourage everyone who is interested and able to participate.

Dennis Peacock
03-10-2008, 10:02 AM
Welcome back Big Mike.....and Congrats on your work being published in the AAW magazine (on page 55). I hope all goes well for ya at the symposium. Take some good pics for me ok? :)

Michael Stafford
03-10-2008, 12:20 PM
I am pleased to announce that I had to modify the original post to include Dr. Kip Christensen one of the premier box turners in the world to the Box SIN discussion panel.

Bernie Weishapl
03-10-2008, 12:22 PM
Sounds like a plan Big Mike. I am planning on being there I hope.

Dick Strauss
03-11-2008, 12:16 AM
Big Mike,
I wish I could be there in person! I'm sure you'll add plenty of knowledge and experience to the discussion. What an honor to be considered in the same group. I hope you enjoy yourself (and sell lots of boxes if you choose to do so).

Best of luck,