View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-10-2008, 12:30 AM
10 March 2008

Good Morning to each of you.
Thought I'd start off this week by starting the Weekend Accomplishments a tad early (it's 00:30 hours here and looks like the SMC server is an hour behind :) ).

Been getting things cleaned up around the house and got to enjoy a little snow last week, but temps warmed back up and will be nice this week. Lot's of work at the day job through Saturday evening late and then church on Sunday and then a movie with the family Sunday night.

I'll be getting back on the walnut kitchen table project this week for my neighbor down the street. Seems like I've been talking about it for a long time now all to end up working a lot at the day job that is really leaving precious little shop time. But...it's paying the bills and helps fund my hobby as time progresses.

So....what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Paul Greathouse
03-10-2008, 1:23 AM
Well, my weekend kinda starts at 5am this morning when I get off work. I've been working the 12hr night shift here at the local electrical utility company the last 3 nights.

I'll be building the last wall cabinet for my son's utility room, also need to cut out, rout and glue up 4 more oak doors for the kitchen set. That will probably be all I get done before I have to return to work for day shift Wednesday and Thursday.

Next weekend will be my long weekend off, I will get off Thursday afternoon at 5pm and be off until Monday afternoon a 5pm. That will be my next chance for a real weekend accomplishment.

Rich Engelhardt
03-10-2008, 5:39 AM
I spent the weekend shoveling ~ 14" of "springtime" off the driveway..:mad:

alex grams
03-10-2008, 6:44 AM
Saturday and sunday spent about 6 hours in the office each day (bah!)

Building new 8x8 storage shed outside for yard tools to make more room in the garage. Got the shingles on Saturday afternoon, finished the trim on the outside, and started building the frame for the front door on Sunday. (Am making the door extra sturdy and putting a handle and deadbolt lock on it to help discourage anyone from breaking into it.

Not much else done on projects, just trying to make more room so in the garage so i can order my go490 8" jointer!

Keith Starosta
03-10-2008, 6:56 AM
I actually got a pretty decent amount of shop time this weekend. I finished up my first router bowl (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=78962) yesterday, and got quite a bit done on my wife's mantel clock. The best part was when my five year old daughter came out and saw the dry fit, and said, "WOW, Daddy...that is very pretty!" Gotta love the seal of approval! :D

- Keith

Matt Meiser
03-10-2008, 7:03 AM
Didn't go out all day on Saturday since we were on the western edge of the storm that got Rich. We got about 4" according to the weather, but is hard to tell because of drifting. My daughter and I spent a few hours in the shop while I worked on her new toolbox and a variety of other little shop tasks. I gave her a cheap back saw I have and let her cut up wood scraps which she enjoyed. Sunday I just screwed around basically doing nothing until it was time to leave to go to my parents' for dinner. Kind of nice :D

Al Willits
03-10-2008, 7:46 AM
Had planed on a enjoyable, but prob fustrating weekend doing the inlay and trim on the TV stand, but Beasty came out sat afternoon and mentioned Cabella's was having a sale and maybe we want to go?

We now have three new walleye and one crappie rod and reel set ups, plus assorted lures and stuff...:)

Sunday started in the garage and guess who came out and mentioned that Gander Mountian had the pistol she wants on sale?
Off we went again.....:)

Tyler showed up Sunday for a brief visit and we chatted about shooting and life in general for a bit.

I didn't get much woodworking done, but did spend a lot of money, wife's happy, and all in all a good weekend.

Hope everybody had a safe and well weekend too.


Chris Jenkins
03-10-2008, 8:05 AM
Well it turned out to be a more home improvement weekend then a woodworking weekend. Friday night was a teaser in the shop - got everything cleaned up and ready to start my new coffee table project on Sat. Turned a few blanks round, no actual trinkets just chips. But as it turned out Friday night was the only two hrs in the shop.

Sat brought on many small tasks about the house. Caulking, trim work, fixed the tub spiket, fixed the shower doors to hang and roll better, sanded down some drywall... All the little maintenance things I need to be doing of a house that is just over a year old and is starting to settle.

Sunday was a family function day as we had a birthday to celebrate. Though on the car ride home the wife and I discussed putting in a raised floor in the attic for more storage. I've decided I am going to add some joists about a foot above the original joists (I have blown insulation between and over the joists). I will anchor the floating joists to the trusses of the roof. Then I will saw up many pieces of 2' x 8' OSB (in order to get them through the attic door) and screw them down to the joists. I'm hoping for about a 6' x 8' area for tubs and unused items. I was thinking maybe I will blow in some more insulation before I put the OSB down making sure to leave a air gap between the insulation and bottom of the OSB. Does anyone know if there is such a thing as too much insulation in the attic? The roof itself isn't insulated, just the blown stuff, which is why I am thinking more insulation.


RickT Harding
03-10-2008, 8:13 AM
Spent Sat with the heater on full blast doing my first changing of the knives to the jointer and planer before getting to work milling down the boards for my table's curly maple top. Coming down the home strech on that one.

Played a little bit with how to create osb "ceiling tiles" in the garage and various ways to mount them to the rafters in the garage. I need to get some insulation up there. Thanksfully it was a lot warmer Sun than Sat.

Finally spend last night in sketchup playing with ideas for a chisel cabinet I want to do once the table is done.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-10-2008, 8:34 AM
Saturday I finished setting up my new b/s and made some basic cuts with it. Sunday.....watched NASCAR and relaxed.

Joe Cunningham
03-10-2008, 8:48 AM
Finished hand-planing the sides for a box down to 1/4" thickness, hand-cut the dovetails, chiseled out the stopped grooves for the bottom, cut the bottom to size, and applied the stain.

Glue-up tonight, then on to work on the top.

Hmm...maybe I should have put this in the neander forum as the only power tool I used was the table saw to cut the bottom to size.

Mike Goetzke
03-10-2008, 8:58 AM
Between taking turns watching our new puppy I'm 90% done replacing my old 4" DC piping with 6". I put the 4" years ago before I knew any better. Boy what a difference. Although, I still use a 10' section of 4" clear flex hose at one drop for my TS and it seems to really put a restriction on the flow.


Eric Haycraft
03-10-2008, 9:01 AM
Spent the weekend finishing setting up the new table saw. It took a while to get the wixey mounted since the brackets didn't fit, so I made my own. Also made cap for the XACTA fence to allow featherboards to mount and aux fences to attach to. I may have overdone it since the fence weighs a good 60 pounds now. Made up an aux fence for the dado head, some ZCIs and started cutting up some purplehart for a project box that I am working on.
I also got to use my jointer for the first time. It took a while to get it dialed in and I reset all of the knives during that process, but now it cuts very nicely. I may have a problem with the fence not being perfectly flat, so I will need to investigate that.

Tyler Howell
03-10-2008, 9:04 AM
A lot of time in both shops but just cleaning and sorting through stuff.
Stopped by Al's as he said. His choice words clarified a lot of things for me.
Thanks Al.
Have a safe week

Travis Gauger
03-10-2008, 9:10 AM
This was a good weekend for me. Friday was our local WW Guild meeting where we watched and listened to David Marks till wee hours of the morning. WOW. That's all I can say about that guy. Friday night, Saturday morning, After the meeting I was inspired to build something with some curves. I started a drawing of a table that I have been thinking about for awhile. Here is the drawing.83779

So Saturday morning ( once it was light out) I ran the drawing past the LOML to get some feedback. She told me that she just couldn't picture it so I told her that I'd be in the shop working up a prototype and I'd see her in a few hours for comments. Once in the shop I did some quick math and then made a tramel for the router.83780,83781

By Late Saturday Morning this is what I had. 83782

And by Saturday evening, I was at the point I could mock up the table for review. Here it is upside down with everything just sitting there. 83783

Sunday was spent going to all the local stores for a mitre gauge and some basic supplies, Got an osborne, love it. Can't beleive I waited so long to get a decent mitre gauge. Played around in the shop Sunday afternoon and evening. Got legs routed out for all 12 legs, tops and shelves are glued up now too. There will be two end tables and a coffe table with the same design as that shown above. Overall, a nice productive weekend in the shop.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Dennis Peacock
03-10-2008, 9:49 AM
Between taking turns watching our new puppy I'm 90% done replacing my old 4" DC piping with 6". I put the 4" years ago before I knew any better. Boy what a difference. Although, I still use a 10' section of 4" clear flex hose at one drop for my TS and it seems to really put a restriction on the flow.


Good move Mike. When I checked mine with a Dwyer Guage, the difference in running 6" down to 4" was a 420 CFM drop in airflow. Nice move on going with 6" pipe. :D

Shawn Honeychurch
03-10-2008, 11:48 AM
Picked up the wood for a new front wall for my shop and was lucky enough to be given a good exterior door to use as well. :)

Continued building my router table, it's finally starting to look like something useful. Almost time to shop for a new router.

Stephen Ash
03-10-2008, 1:11 PM
I installed my vise. It's a 9" from Lee Valley. I had to shift the workbench top over to create enough overhang on the left side, and the top is still loose in the picture, which is why it's cockeyed ;).


Greg Hines, MD
03-10-2008, 1:14 PM
My woodworking for the weekend involved the chain saw and the neighbors yard, cutting up about 2 cords of firewood for the stove next winter.


Fred Voorhees
03-10-2008, 1:36 PM
Pulled a marathon session in the shop on Saturday with my brother. One of his clients wanted a massive bookcase unit. He promised them a unit measuring 8 ft high by 6 ft wide. I had talked it over with him before he came up and suggested two 3 ft wide units side by side by the 8 ft high. One of two things happened (1) he didn't understand, or (2) he simply didn't want to do it that way because he was determined to build it six foot wide and do it in two "stackable" four foot sections. I asked him if he understood the ramifications of having six foot long shelves in a bookcase.

Well, he was determined to do it this way and he wanted to use 3/4" ply for the back with dados for each shelf for the support. I told him that we would also have to attached some wide faces on the fronts of the shelving to also help with the weight issue. Everything is being primed and painted by the client. Constructed of birch ply and some pine facing, here it is in all of it's glory. I told him I wasn't guaranteeing a non-sag job. Crown and base moulding will be added once it is in place.