View Full Version : Recomendations for Ebonizing woods.

Bill Wyko
03-09-2008, 11:59 PM
The next project I'm planning would require more Black Ebony than I want to spend the money on. Can anyone recommend an Ebonizing technique that will produce the most accurate results? Thanks.

Dennis Peacock
03-10-2008, 12:09 AM
Yup...shore can.......Black Ink and maple for the wood. I was trying to remember the name of the ink that 2 friends of mine have used, but the stuff works great for this and comes in a 1 liter bottle of it. About $8 I think with the shipping being about as much as the ink. :)

David DeCristoforo
03-10-2008, 12:18 AM
Believe it or not, I have used black leather dye with excellent results. Also, at the paint store, you can get a large tube of black universal tint which is really thick and gooey. Cut it with a bit of paint thinner and you can blacken anything with it.


Tom Klass
03-10-2008, 3:23 AM
It's india ink, I use water based. Also use cherry wood, due to the grain pattern simulates ebony better. That's what some of the high end furniture companies use. I've done quite a few pcs. with this process. I have a half dozen bottle sitting on the shelf. I get it at an office supply store when they have there sales some times they have it but not listed. Hope this helped.

Rick Thom
03-10-2008, 4:17 AM
Use aniline dye, ebony black. This example http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=2&p=20081&cat=1,190,42996&ap=1 happens to be water-based but there may also be alchol-based available elsewhere (ngr).

Gary Herrmann
03-10-2008, 6:57 AM
Another vote or india ink and maple. I made box of yellow heart and bloodwood awhile back, the knob is ebonized maple. Its posted on this forum somewhere.

Ralph Barhorst
03-10-2008, 7:23 AM
Does the ink bleed into another wood during the finishing process?

Todd Bin
03-10-2008, 7:41 AM
I would be very cautions about fading over time. Especially if it is going to be in any sunlight at all. Metal-Acid dies are very color fast. I would use trans-tint die. Two or three coats to get it good and black.

Bill Wyko
03-10-2008, 12:39 PM
Thanks once again. I knew I could count on you guys.:)

Sam Yerardi
03-10-2008, 1:01 PM

Walnut can also be used with dye or india ink, etc.

Bill Wyko
03-10-2008, 1:04 PM
I'm going to WWS in a little while to get some Walnut. I'll try it on some scrapps.

jason lambert
03-13-2008, 8:35 AM
How about glue up? Can I cut a piece dye it and will it still hold well with tight bond?