View Full Version : PROJECT: My First "Router Bowl"

Keith Starosta
03-09-2008, 8:42 PM
Ever since I first watched Woodsmith Magazine's YouTube video on making a router bowl, I've been really anxious to see if I could do it. The first step was to buy the MLCS collet extension. After that, it was just a matter of getting it done.

I had a small chunk of claro walnut sitting on a shelf, so I decided that was it. I did what the video said, and made a simple circular pattern, slapped it down on the walnut, and this is what cmae out.....sorta.


Clearly, it's not quite a perfect circle. :D I haven't perfected cutting out the outer circle yet. Since my bandsaw is currently out of commission, I had to shape it by hand. It was tricky, but I enjoyed it. I've only applied one coat of mineral oil at this point.

There was one incident, however, that scared the crap outta me. I think turners call it "blowing up a bowl" :o I was using a New Wave Velcro Sanding Disk in my drill press, sanding down the inside bottom, and I lost my concentration. The bowl slipped out of my hand, started spinning around the quill. I tried to recover it, and *SLAM*......right against the wall!!


I'm lucky that that it was only four pieces I had to glue together. It turned out OK, I think...

Thanks for looking!

- Keith

Rick Gifford
03-09-2008, 8:52 PM
Pretty cool. I think it came out well. It suks when you break a peice dont it? Your next step is to carve a bowl with a pocket knife. But it has to be dried Jatoba and a dull knife :p

Good work Keith!

Pat Germain
03-09-2008, 8:56 PM
Very nice, Keith. I've never heard of a router bowl before. Thanks for sharing.

As for the broken bowl, the second it broke it stopped being "craft" and became "art". Give it a trendy name and Ebay that baby. ;)

Lance Norris
03-09-2008, 9:12 PM
Heres a couple I've made. I liked making them and will make some more for Christmas this coming year. Right now Im into bandsawn boxes.


Jim Becker
03-09-2008, 9:35 PM
Geepers....a non-spinny spinny thing! LOL Nice work, Kieth. Now, I will say that this method will allow you to do bowls that are not round. ;) That could be interesting!

Keith Starosta
03-10-2008, 5:39 AM
Geepers....a non-spinny spinny thing! LOL Nice work, Kieth. Now, I will say that this method will allow you to do bowls that are not round. ;) That could be interesting!

Yep!! I already have several ideas for casserole-shaped dishes, etc. It should be fun!!


- Keith

Glenn Clabo
03-10-2008, 6:33 AM
Nice work Keith.
I also love it when people actually admit they "lost concentration" and something went boom. It makes me feel so much less duffus like.

Keith Starosta
03-10-2008, 6:57 AM
Nice work Keith.
I also love it when people actually admit they "lost concentration" and something went boom. It makes me feel so much less duffus like.

Are you kidding me?! My whole professional life is about losing concentration!! :cool: :D.

Thanks for the compliments!

- Keith