View Full Version : Turning a tool handle??

Michael Gibbons
03-09-2008, 11:25 AM
Is there an easy way to turn the tapered section that fits into the socket of an old stanley chisel? I want to make a matching handle for it that matches my LN chisels.

Curt Fuller
03-09-2008, 1:48 PM
I turned handles for some old socket chisels a while back. Two are Stanleys. I just started with a piece of wood between centers and cut a taper at the tailstock end that looked close to what would fit in the socket. Then I pushed it into the socket and tweaked it a little at a time until I got a good tight fit. Start with a piece of wood a little longer than you want the handle to be so you have room for adjusting the fit. I'm not a chisel expert but I had someone tell me to split the taper, insert a thin strip of leather in the split and then pound it into the taper. I didn't do that on mine but it sounded like it would give a nice tight fit.

Darryl Hansen
03-09-2008, 2:01 PM
Put a piece of wood in a chuck. I also use the tailstock until I need to work on the end. turn a cylinder . Turn a shallow taper on one end and press fit the tool you are making the handle for. When it just fits you will have found the circumference of the biggest end. Turn the taper until the tool is tight and repeat all the way down 'til the tool fits. You'll gradually recognize the slant of the taper that will be needed and just continue to turn to that degree of taper. Easier to do than to explain. As suggested start with a longer piece than you think you will need so that if you turn to sloppy a taper you can cut off the end until the fit is tight again.

Richard A. Rivera, M.D.
03-09-2008, 2:56 PM
I have made a handle following the directions after I purchesed a gouge from Doug Thompson. He has an article on his site that may be of some help.


good luck