View Full Version : to wixey or not

Calvin Crutchfield
03-08-2008, 12:06 AM
I got the wixey Table saw thing-a-bob for Christmas.

I started putting it on today and then wasn't really sure I wanted to complete the project.

So, to those of you that have it, is it really worth it?

I must say, I don't really mind my current fence system, it would only be for the geek/gadget factor... But if it doesn't net me anything, not sure it's worth it.

Eric Haycraft
03-08-2008, 12:16 AM
I have it and like it. I think that it makes more sense for left tilt saws since you can easily rezero it out when you pop in a dado. Also, if you have aux fences, the zeroing out is really nice.
It is really accurate, but it will probably not save you any time since you will find yourself constantly tapping the fence to make the cut the perfect length.

Bud Bedwell
03-08-2008, 1:19 AM
I like it. Mostly for zeroing the fence when switching from a regular blade to dado or thin kerf. Also, when I'm on a project I usually batch cut same size pieces at the same time, but sometimes have to cut another piece to replace one that I screwed up on a later operation. The accuracy of the wixey vs the fence scribe (with possible parallax error) ensures that the replacement part is an exact match to the original.

jason lambert
03-08-2008, 5:29 AM
Another related question, can you wixley a incra table saw fence system?

Steve Patrick
03-08-2008, 6:52 AM
One of the best things about I find is that as an aging woodworker it means I can see the measurement better. Also it helps if like me you work in metric and imperial.


Brad Townsend
03-08-2008, 9:05 AM
Ditto to what Eric said.

Steve Clardy
03-08-2008, 11:54 AM
I like mine.

You can rip one size, change to another, then go back and rip the first size cut and it will be dead on accurate.

And be prepared to run out of the shop screaming, after you have found that none of your tapes measure's will match the reading the wixey shows.:eek:

Joe Vincent
03-08-2008, 12:05 PM
I like mine.

You can rip one size, change to another, then go back and rip the first size cut and it will be dead on accurate. . . .

I don't have one, but this is a big reason why I'll probably get one at some point.

Mark Engel
03-08-2008, 12:10 PM
You already have. Why not use it?

Calvin Crutchfield
03-08-2008, 5:01 PM
Thanks guys, I will go ahead and install it!

But with plans of an incra TS fence, I wonder along with Jason if it has been used successfully with an incra.

David DeCristoforo
03-08-2008, 5:05 PM
"You already have. Why not use it?"

Thank you. The only thing worse than buying a tool you don't need is buying a tool you don't need and then not using it!


Mark Engel
03-08-2008, 6:29 PM
"You already have. Why not use it?"

Thank you. The only thing worse than buying a tool you don't need is buying a tool you don't need and then not using it!


Now I feel a little silly.

I was working on a project today the has mortise and tenon joints. I decide to use my old Delta Mortiser. I have used this machine once or twice since I got it. I had to dig out the owners manual to remember how to set it. Inside the manual was the original receipt. My Wife bought this tool for me back in 1999. Ouch!

David DeCristoforo
03-08-2008, 6:39 PM
No worries, Mark... it was really just a joke. I should have stuck a little "happy face in there....


Mark Engel
03-08-2008, 6:54 PM
I got that it was a joke, Yoshikuni. :D

It was just ironic that my situation today matched up so well with your comment.

[/end hijack]

Calvin Crutchfield
03-08-2008, 8:15 PM
I went to install the Wixey today on the sawstop standard fence.

Wixey recommends drilling holes underneath the rectangular tube fence rail 1.5" from the from. However, the angle iron that holds the fence rail sits square in the way of this new hole.

In the end, as long as the digital gauge can touch the metal bracket that mounts to the fence (movable portion), all should be well correct?