View Full Version : Rikon 14" Deluxe Bandsaw - Easy Fine Tuning

Randy Klein
03-07-2008, 11:11 AM
After solving my tracking problem that is discussed here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=78520), I decide to do a little more fine tuning. I discovered the Rikon is designed to make some of the more intrusive tuning easier: squaring the table to the blade front-to-back and aligning the guidepost parallel to the blade.

The normal operation (from what I read) involves shimming out one of the wheels to align the blade parallel to the guidepost and shimming the table to the trunnions to square it to the blade (front-to-back). The Rikon accomplishes both of these through the use of set screws. Which means that there is no disassembly of the machine. I was able to leave the table and blade on for both.

It takes a little back and forth as you loosen the bolts, adjust the screws, tighten the bolts, check for square. But you get there eventually, and you shouldn't have to do this again.

Now I won't have to readjust my rear thrust bearing every time I raise the guides.

Pictures below to help other Rikon owners to find the set screws. As they are not mentioned in the manual, at least the one I have. Hope this helps.

Picture of where the set screws are in the trunnion. There is a similar set on the opposite side.

Picture of where the set screws are to align the guide post. The bolts to loosen on the back side of this.

Danny Thompson
03-07-2008, 12:33 PM
Great post. Keep 'em coming, Randy.

David Romano
03-07-2008, 3:01 PM
I stopped by the Rikon office a few weeks ago and the service tech Rod showed me these adjustments when I asked specifically about the guide post adjustment. I was happy to see that they'd thought of these things, but they are not mentioned in the manual on purpose. The rationale for this is that if you give someone a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. I'm about to purchase an 18" saw from them. I'm counting the days!

Randy Klein
03-07-2008, 6:16 PM
...but they are not mentioned in the manual on purpose. The rationale for this is that if you give someone a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.

I'm not too fond of that policy.

Changing subjects:

I wonder what other 14" BS have these adjustments. Do the Grizzly's, PM's, SC's, etc. have them?

Its something I'll definitely look for in my next purchase (whenever that is...)

Jim Dunn
03-07-2008, 6:52 PM
Randy I have a friend that purchased an 18" Delta bandsaw that the guide post was out of square about 1/2" in 12". Delta had no answer for the problem but to return the saw. I suggested that the system be shimmed for squareness. Problem solved.

Delta should look at a Rikon saw and try to keep up with the what looked to be common sense.

Randy Klein
03-08-2008, 6:47 AM
... they are not mentioned in the manual, at least the one I have.

(Yeah I quoted myself) Of course after I said that, I went back to the manual and did find these two adjustments in the troubleshooting section. But at least my pictures are better...

I found another adjustment I need to do: Leveling the table insert. Mine sits just a hair lower than the table and I often catch it. Apparently there's some set screws there as well. I'll take care of that today since there's nothing else to do during a blizzard.