View Full Version : Man the wife is going to kill me (GLOAT)

Jack Diemer
03-16-2004, 7:32 PM
Today, I found a guy who sold me an almost new Ryobi Drum Sander with stand for $200. I know that the Ryobi isn't the best, but I just couldn't pass up the price.

Now how do I tell the wife, after I have bought so much other stuff in the last month?? :eek:

Jim Becker
03-16-2004, 7:34 PM
What about that special project you are doing for her that will be so much nicer through the use of the sander, especially since you got it for half the price of new?? :D

Chris Padilla
03-16-2004, 7:54 PM
Half price is good. I was trying to convince my wife that a Grizzly G0513 17" BS on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3803401465&category=57124&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBDW%3AIT&rd=1) would go for probably under $650.

I even showed her that it was $825 shipped and this guy only wanted $35 to ship. She reluctantly agreed to allow me to bid $500...I ended up bidding $600! I didn't get it....:(

Terry Hatfield
03-16-2004, 8:00 PM

I got your number. Want me to tell her for you??? :D


Jack Diemer
03-16-2004, 8:57 PM
No Terry, you don't have to tell her.

I broke the news to her gently. Of course with every tool I buy, the expectations of my output goes up.

Terry Hatfield
03-16-2004, 8:59 PM

LOL...okie dokie :D

Seriously, it sounds like a good buy. I'd say you did good.


Todd Burch
03-16-2004, 9:47 PM
Jack, just tell her you spent $15,000, and then go back the next day and tell her you were wrong - you spent $20,000. See what kind of rise THAT gets out of her!!

$200. Sheeez. I'll spend that in WD40 and rags cleaning cosmoline off my new machines!!! HAR HAR HAR!!!!

Jack Diemer
03-16-2004, 10:40 PM
Aint she pretty.

Pat Salter
03-16-2004, 11:14 PM
isn't there a law or something against haveing a clean sander of any type? Looks like it's just a demo (non-working) model. maybe that's whyit's only $200. :D Good deal!

Donnie Raines
03-17-2004, 9:01 AM
I know this guy(no names going to be listed here :D ) that went out and bought a 22/44 performax cabinet sander for 1200 bucks without the bosses permission....
.......now thats a dicey situation....


Dave Anderson NH
03-17-2004, 3:08 PM
Just remember that it is easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission. Not that I'd ever do anything like that.

Chris Padilla
03-17-2004, 3:34 PM
Well, I asked for permission to bid but we were (WERE) in a dicey financial situation at the time due to a dumb error on my part with my deductions for taxes. I only understated them by like $13k...I thought we owed Uncle Sam nearly 5k! :eek:

With the correct amount inputted to Turbo Tax, we owe under a grand...Whew!! We had 4 anxiety days before I found the error and we could relax! :D

Fred Voorhees
03-17-2004, 6:49 PM
Good Lord Chris, I thought I would keel over when we found out a few years back that we owed Uncle Sam nearly $2,000. We have since hooked up with a great accountant and the refunds have been rolling in ever since.

Chris Padilla
03-17-2004, 7:18 PM

Normally, it isn't the best thing to have a refund. At worst, you should break even to paying a couple hundred bucks. You are giving Uncle Sam an interest-free loan! Have him give you one for a change! :)

I am surprised you have an accountant that hasn't adjusted things for you this way. If I am off-base here, I'd love to hear a counter-argument to my way of thinking! :)

I normally adjust my finances to owe between 100-500 bucks but I let go of it during 2003...I gotta get that back now! It was a scary few days!! :eek:

John Piwaron
03-18-2004, 9:01 AM
I know this guy(no names going to be listed here :D ) that went out and bought a 22/44 performax cabinet sander for 1200 bucks without the bosses permission....
.......now thats a dicey situation....


Not to be a jerk or anything, but I do this all the time. Most of my tools have been bought in this manner. DJ-20, 14" Delta Bandsaw, ect. ect. Mind you, mine is a hobby shop.

The thing is, as long as the regular expenses like food and mortgage are being paid, contributions to the 401K are continuing, and so on, she won't complain. Besides, every so often a major piece emerges from the shop to grace our home. I seldom build little things, I like the larger stuff.

Remember, all the details of life have to be taken care of prior to buying something most would consider extravagant, like a big power tool.

Tyler Howell
03-18-2004, 10:19 AM
Good Lord Chris, I thought I would keel over when we found out a few years back that we owed Uncle Sam nearly $2,000. We have since hooked up with a great accountant and the refunds have been rolling in ever since.
Refunds = Giving Uncle an interest free loan of your money for the year.:mad: I'd rather it be the other way around.

I solved the forgiveness problem by getting tossed out.:o (something about too many tools mysteriously showing up ????) Go Figure. It only cost me 17 years of Alimony. Worth every dime.;)
Now I can buy any toyls I want, put them where I want. And butcher wood anytime I want. Guess I showed her!!!!

Jim Becker
03-18-2004, 10:38 AM
Refunds = Giving Uncle an interest free loan of your money for the year. I'd rather it be the other way around.

Amen. There is a better way. Set up an account with an online bank, such as ING Direct that pays a little more than your local institution. Have them automatically suck out a enough bucks each month from your checking account after payday that equals what you typically have been getting back as a "tax refund" and reduce your withholding accordingly. Don't go overboard, as you don't want to get into any penalty situation for underwitholding, however...the idea is to owe the government a little each year rather than give them a free loan.

I also use this method to put away money for my local earned income tax since my employer will not withhold it as well as for auto insurance which is considerably less expensive when you pay in full each six months. Auto withdrawls into savings make this all painless. In fact, it's a great way to setup a "tool aquisition" account...:D

Hal Flynt
03-18-2004, 12:14 PM
Ever since SWMBO and I had a "Marriage Communication Series" in our small group, I have been trying to listen without trying to solve her problems. Doesn’t make sense to me, but she likes it. While listening, I picked up on something. When I ask her how much a dress or something costs, her answer is something like “It was on sale, I saved $50.”

Soooo you tell her how much you saved.

BTW we keep separate checking accounts and credit cards which helps too.

Scott Coffelt
03-20-2004, 11:47 AM
Now you have to do two things. (1) jump on an order with me for some paper from Klingspor (2) cut that 2" port off the top and add a 4" (6" won't fit well).