View Full Version : i need help finding a tool rest i broke one

curtis rosche
03-06-2008, 11:07 AM
i need help fining a tool rest... i was turning a lorge peice of walnut and working on the inside with a 1/2 in round nose and all the sudden it had a major catch and it snapped off the tool rest from the post :eek: it was a 12inch tool rest but i had the tool close to the post. i will put up a picture later but for now i need to find one to replace it (i dont have to but i figured id replace it since its the schools) it was on a 26020VDR-M2 general lathe (great lathe i love it) i am looking for one that is under $30 and was hoping to find one that isnt cast so that it can be abused

Dennis Peacock
03-06-2008, 1:43 PM

Buy you some round, cold roll steel that is the size you need. Take it to a local welder and have him weld you a couple of tool rests. Cheap and they work great. :D

George Guadiane
03-06-2008, 2:08 PM
If the lathe is still under warranty, call the manufacturer... Maybe you should call them anyway, they might replace it.

Greg Narozniak
03-06-2008, 2:28 PM

Buy you some round, cold roll steel that is the size you need. Take it to a local welder and have him weld you a couple of tool rests. Cheap and they work great. :D

I agree with Dennis. That is what I did some 1/2" cast iron pipe and some angle iron welded together and I now have 4 sizes.

curtis rosche
03-06-2008, 2:32 PM
not under warranty and what i broke was cast iron i think ill get a tool steel one made

Rich Stewart
03-06-2008, 3:05 PM
No cracks, Bill?

robert hainstock
03-06-2008, 3:21 PM
I like the mild steel L shaped one that has threaded insert post, and a 1/4 in tool steel polished rod for the surface area welded on. I've used these for years and they are very sturdy. :)

Scott Donley
03-06-2008, 3:39 PM
If it is a school, do they also have a metal shop, could be a win win for everyone.

Hilel Salomon
03-06-2008, 4:52 PM
I heard... perhaps the more experienced turners will comment on this... that cast iron absorbs shock better than stainless steel. If that's the case..
Luck, Hilel

Allen Schmid
03-06-2008, 6:07 PM
You may be surprised by informing the company directly. I had to contact Jet about my tool rest base, the cast iron at the far end fractured while I was tightening it down...no I am not that strong! I was surprised to find out from Jet that the warranty on my 1642(right combination of numbers I think) was extended from a one year to a five year coverage and all the parts were sent to me directly...happy day at my house.
Now I know you are talking about your tool rest and not the base but it might be worth a try and see what they say.
Good luck

curtis rosche
03-06-2008, 8:06 PM
the lathes are more than 10yrs old and the tool rest was sperate here are the pics of what i did this thing is just over 1inch thick post

Bernie Weishapl
03-06-2008, 10:37 PM
So Curtis take it to your local welder and have him drill it out of the tool rest. Then have him insert a piece of steel and weld it in for your post. I did that on my Rikon and had him make the post a inch longer.

Brian Poor
03-06-2008, 11:11 PM
That is a cast steel post.
You will snap them off all day long if your tool makes contact with the spinning work prior to being firmly on the rest itself.

Dennis Peacock
03-07-2008, 12:36 AM
Cold roll steel...it's a good way to go. You can even have the welder bend a curve on one for ya and weld it to a post for a bowl rest.