View Full Version : What direction to spray in

Roy Fleming
03-05-2008, 12:26 PM
I am building a set of mission(arts & crafts) style bunk beds and need some help on spraying the head boards and foot boards. As you know, with mission furniture, there is are 2 rails, 2 legs and multiple slats for each piece. How do you spray something like this. Do you spray the rails first, let them dry then spary the slats & legs or do you just kind of spray in all directions. Right now I am spraying seal coat which will be followed up with wb lacquer using a PSH1 conversion gun. I prefer to spray the piece laying down.

Larry Fox
03-05-2008, 12:36 PM
Ideally you would spray those tough to reach pieces prior to assembly (at least I would prefer to). Is it already together? If so, I would spray from the inside-out.

Dennis Peacock
03-05-2008, 1:37 PM
Been there and done that....3 times already.

Spray from the inside of each piece out. Spray the inside sections of the spindles and then the outside of the spindles. Then spray the remaining larger surfaces of the headboard and footboard. Remember to spray lite coats when working the inside and spindle areas. You don't want to develop runs in there and then have to work it out by hand later. DAMHIKT!!!! :o