View Full Version : Back from the show in Carefree AZ

Bill Wyko
03-03-2008, 1:16 PM
I had a great show. Sold 2 pieces for a very nice price and met many wonderful artists and people. One little old lady in particular. She walked up to me and asked "Have you ever heard of Ray Allan?" Which of course I said Yes. She then then tells me she owns about 1/2 of everything he ever made. She has 5 houses around the country filled with his work. I told her I'd give her a great price for my work to just be in close proximity to his work but she politly said she has no room for any more pices. We still talked for about a 1/2 hour or so. She was a wonderful lady. There was also a woman that turns giant segmented platters then adds beads to the piece to create patterns. Her work was amazing too. She sold 1 piece this weekend for 6000.00 dollars. I sure look forward to the next event like this that I can take the time to go to. I'll post pics of my booth tomorrow. I also ran into a SMC member too. I sure came back with some great ideas. Time to go clean up the shop and get started on the next project.:D

Steve Schlumpf
03-03-2008, 1:24 PM
Sounds like you had an interesting time! Congrats on your sales! Looking forward to the photos!

Bill Wyko
03-03-2008, 1:33 PM
Thanks Steve. I was able to get 1100.00 for one piece and 1200.00 for the other. When you take into consideration what it cost me to be in the show, displays, canope, tables etc, I probably broke even. But I did come back with some great Ideas and a great time.

Robert McGowen
03-03-2008, 1:45 PM
Great job on the sales Bill. It sounds like you are getting your name out there. There is a good chance that the two pieces you sold will generate some word of mouth sales also. You can probably also charge more on a commissioned piece than a flat out sale at a show.

Tom Sherman
03-03-2008, 1:51 PM
That's good news Bill, Congratulations on the sales and ideas. Looking forward to the next 'generation' of your turnings.

Bill Wyko
03-03-2008, 2:16 PM
Thanks Robert. I also passed out about 500 business cards too. I did have one person that told me he was building a house in the area and would like me to make quite a few pieces of decor for it. I don't get too excited until I get a deposit though.

Brett Baldwin
03-03-2008, 2:54 PM
Darnit...I knew this was coming up and I forgot. I'm sorry I missed you Bill. It sounds like it went well and I'm looking forward to the pictures. I'm sure you had more fun than I did prepping my roof for reshingling next week.

Paul Engle
03-03-2008, 5:29 PM
Way to go Bill, your's and Roberts and the others pieces still set me in awe, looking fwd to seeing the pics. Congrats on the sales and the good time you had !!!! The excitement you and Robert generate got me going on segmented work !!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
03-03-2008, 7:38 PM
Congrats Bill. Nice job on the sales.

Don Robert
03-03-2008, 10:36 PM
It was great to meet you at the show. I'll give you a call in the next few days about the "arrival expected in Tucson" you mentioned.

Fellow Creekers, Bill's stuff looks even better in person than his postings here. Really nice. I'll agree that the other artist to whom he referred did amazing work, but Bill has nothing to be ashamed about.