View Full Version : Question about crooks

Gene Michael
03-02-2008, 10:54 PM
have some 2" thick red oak that has both bowed and crooked. bought it to make hand rail and hate to toss it, so ripped it wider than needed with the intention of ripping each piece in half again and gluing opposite curves face to face to eliminate the crook. haven't figured out how to eliminate the bowing (bowed 1 1/4" up in center of 12' piece). Does anyone have any suggestions? any and all will be appreciated.

Gary Breckenridge
03-03-2008, 12:52 AM
:cool:Steam bending and ripping it into 1" by 1" stock and doing a glue up take way too much effort. I'd pick a new piece of wood and sight it up and down before I paid for it.:cool:

glenn bradley
03-03-2008, 1:55 AM
Wood will do what it is going to do. After many wasted attempts at persuading it to do otherwise, I have learned to use pieces like you describe for short stock (for later) and buy a good board for what I need to do now.