View Full Version : Pub Tables Completed

Dave Verstraete
03-02-2008, 5:20 PM
Spent the weekend finishing the pub tables for the cottage. Here is a pic! They are made from 2x4s from Lowes and a 1 3/4 x 36 x 72 Maple benchtop that I bought at Grainger. Top was finished with Watco Butcher Block finish and the bases were finished with Minwax Polycrylic in Clear Gloss.

Bruce Pennell
03-02-2008, 5:56 PM
They look great! Will even look better when you get to sit down and have a cold one on top of them. ENJOY...Bru:D

glenn bradley
03-02-2008, 6:03 PM
Those are so cool.

Slight thread-jack: How are you liking that Onieda?

Peter Quinn
03-02-2008, 6:22 PM
Nice tables...but like Glen said, lets talk about that DC! Is that the twin cyclone portable? Hows it work for ya?

Dennis Kelly
03-02-2008, 7:13 PM
Those are great! Very simple but amazingly pleasing to the eye. Great Job!


Bill Huber
03-02-2008, 7:26 PM
They came out very well I would say...

It is funny to me how a plan old 2x4 can look as good as they do with a little work and finish.

Dave Verstraete
03-02-2008, 8:11 PM

Bruce: I already broke them in with a few cold ones before they were finished.

Glenn and Peter: The Oneida Portable is doing very well. I don't have much to base that opinion on since my previous DC was a Shopsmith 1/2 hp DC. I was amazed by the suction and a little dismayed by the additional noise in the shop. I'm sure the noise is pretty much standard fare for DC. I wear hearing protection anyway. I have it set up to pull off the saw and put on a "quick connect type fitting for my other machines. I have a new Grizzly G0453Z planer coming this week and we will see how it handles that. I am currently upgrading the shop looking forward to retirement (That's my excuse to the LOML).

Greg Just
03-02-2008, 8:34 PM

Very nice - I could use a couple of those in my basement. How tall are the tables?

Dave Verstraete
03-02-2008, 8:39 PM
Greg: The tables are 36 " tall. I sized it to some existing stools that we had. I also measured the height of some similar tables at the local World Market.

gary Zimmel
03-03-2008, 1:15 AM

Great looking tables.

I bet they are put to good use...

Keith Starosta
03-03-2008, 7:25 AM
Dave, that looks really great! I have a question about the Minwax Polycrylic you used. First, where did you buy it? Second, did you brush it on or spray it? If brushed, how easily did it go on? Thanks for the information!!

- Keith

Dave Verstraete
03-03-2008, 8:51 AM
I bought the Minwax at Lowes. It goes on easily with a fine brush. It is a little on the thin side though. I went back over it to find any runs and brushed them out. This particular project is going to be at the cottage and heavily used in the kitchen area where everyone sits at night and has a few. I wasn't real worried about a perfect finish. I would think that it would spray pretty well, but I have no experience at spraying.

Keith Starosta
03-03-2008, 9:34 AM
Thanks, Dave!

Lori Kleinberg
03-03-2008, 1:55 PM
Those are great looking tables Dave :cool:. Thanks for sharing.

Lars Thomas
03-04-2008, 7:11 PM
Tables are great, but is that a workshop or a tool showroom?

Dave Verstraete
03-04-2008, 8:26 PM
Lars: 1. If you are referring to the floor...It was FREE!! My brother had some extra tiles from a commercial install that his company did.
2. If you are referring to the amount of tools in the shop...I've seen plenty on this site with more.
3. If you are referring to the shiny look...jealousy is a terrible thing!

J. Z. Guest
03-04-2008, 11:03 PM
Very nice Dave. I didn't think a butcher block top finished with mineral oil could be so damned shiny!

Paul A. Clark
03-05-2008, 2:02 AM

I too have to say nice looking tables. I would be interested when you have the time to see some pics of your shop.


Dave Verstraete
03-05-2008, 7:51 AM

I applied 4 coats (sanding in between coats). The last two were put on with a foam brush (heavy coats) . Didn't start shining until the third coat.