View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-15-2004, 12:38 AM
Well....you guessed it.......another weekend has come and gone and even though it did rain some this weekend....I still enjoyed it.!! No Tyler, I wasn't on-call this weekend.....but my turn is coming up on the 22nd... ;)

I spent most of Saturday working on the Adirondack chairs and we are now finally assembling them. We got the one for Glenn's wife done and that was a real chore since we had to size most everything DOWN to better fit her. All the base frames of the other 5 chairs are now done and gearing up for a massive assembly party this coming week.

Spent some time working on pens for the FPP and I expect to have my most recent shipment of pen kits turned by the end of the week and ready to ship out next week.

Hey Ken Salisbury.....I need more pen kits. :D

Best of weeks.....

Ken Salisbury
03-15-2004, 6:37 AM
As usual I spent the vast majority of my wekend working on the FPP. I made a large poster to be used at an upcoming Craft Show to solicit donations for our project. I also worked on making up shipping labels for 19 more requests for bulk buy and free kits. Took time to order more boxes/envelopes/labels/etc from USPS for packing/shipping all of these. When the 19 orders in the queue are filled I will have distributed more than 3000 kits via these 2 programs. I really need an assistant - preferably a someone who looks like Cindy Crawford or Demi Moore. :D :D :p


Shipping is on a slight delay since I virtually ran out of kits. However, no fear, I got in 200 streamlines Saturday and have 1000 slimlines coming sometime this week from the supplier.

I did take a couple breaks for Bud Light and to watch the SEC Basketball Tournament though :D.

And of course not to mention moderating duties. :cool:

John Miliunas
03-15-2004, 8:18 AM
Cut up, planed, sanded, stained and cleared 235' of Oak slats for a decorating project for LOML. Kind of a mind-dulling chore, but they're all going in my daughter's room and she's happy with the results, so it's still rewarding for both, LOML and myself. Almost ended up with a nice Black Locust bowl, but ended up with a funnel, instead. :rolleyes: Tried this one to thin walls (@3/16") and turned from start to finish in one sitting. Guess it may be the LDD, but the thick-walled one I did last week is still staying put. The one on Sat. started "drooping" not long after it came off the lathe. Next one: Rough out, LDD and try to go thin-wall and see what happens. (It's all a learning process...) Sun., finished clear-coating the slats, buddy came over to work on his solid-body elec. bass. The "experiment" was NOT a success. So, on to Plan B: We ran the puppy through the drum sander until the last of the laminate was cleaned off and will order some nice veneer and go the "natural" route. Finished the weekend off with turning a little potpourri bowl out of Cedar. Looks OK. LOML likes it, so that's a good thing. Have a GREAT week all! Work safely. :cool:

Tyler Howell
03-15-2004, 9:20 AM
Dennis, I'm so glad you are well rested and had some shop time. That call work makes you a really crabby neighbor.:rolleyes:
Very productive weekend. Spent a lot of time on the kitchen and in the shop. Completed the mod on my band saw installed the down draft cabinet on my router table and made some improvements to the DC system. Spent a little family time with Mom and my sister too.;)

Bill Karow
03-15-2004, 10:27 AM
I put a new table surface on my old (new to me) Craftsman RAS, lined everything up again, then used it to plow out about a bajillion dados for my workshop hutch project. Several stops and starts, and a few more pieces for the burn pile but hey, it's all part of the learning process...

All the shelves and dividers are now finally cut, dadoed, rabbeted, and sanded. I also found some elusive junction boxes for the two Plugmold strips I'm adding to it, and while at the electrical wholesaler, I bought a thermostat for my neighbor's Reddy-heater that he has been kind enough to loan me to get my garage above gluing temp minimums. Hopefully, assembly of the shelf unit will be completed one of these weeknights. I also cut some of the remaining panels and pieces for my much-anticipated router table.

So nothing got actually done, but I feel like I made progress anyway! Here's hoping everyone else had a safe and productive weekend.

Dennis Peacock
03-15-2004, 10:51 AM
[color=darkslateblue][i][b]Very productive weekend. Spent a lot of time on the kitchen and in the shop.

Mornin' Tyler.....

Ya know....you are pretty talented..!!!! I have NEVER seen "anybody" that could cook up a dust port for a bandsaw like you can.!! :D Did the wife get upset about you using the kitchen to make those parts? ;)

You takin' orders for 6" dust ports yet? :D (RDAH - Running, Ducking and Hidding)

Have a great day today Tyler...!!!

Jim Becker
03-15-2004, 11:23 AM
Well...no woodworking this weekend. We arrived home from the UK yesterday later in the day than I thought we would...a mental error on my part.

But Ali and I did see some very interesting examples of woodworking as we visited the Tower of London and a very nice cathederal near the London Bridge on Friday and Saturday. I snapped a few pics to share with you and they are displayed below.


1) This table is located in the Tower of London in one of the smaller towers along the outer wall. That top is about 6" thick and the table is about 12' long and 4-5' wide. (No tape measure available...:D) Please note the sliding dovetail that holds the table top to the support assemblies. It's a very strong joint yet allows for wood movement. Clever, those woodworkers from long ago...

2) Also at the Tower, this hugh chest was in the next room from the table. Ostensibly the "Throne Room" with a reproduction of the chair that the monarchs were crowned in, this space had a number of interesting original and reproductions. I think this chest was original, but can't remember. The scrollwork is actually iron, rather than wood, and the size is about 4' tall, 6' long and 3' deep.

3) This example of timberframe joinery is in the "mess" building at the Tower where the current public cafeteria is located. There are quite a few of these columns in the space and they are about 18" in diameter if my memory serves correctly...but again, I didn't measure.

4) This bench was in a very nice catherderal we visited...we discovered it while wandering through the space as the choir, accompianied by a very talented organist on a wonderful instrument filled the space with beatiful sound. This bench caught my eye due to the construction. It's simple, yet strong. The material is about 2" thick; not dissimilar to the bench/table I've been working on in the shop.

5) Also in the catherderal, this hugh chest, about 6' long, 4.5' tall and 2.5' deep has some incredible detail work...all of wood.

Lars Thomas
03-15-2004, 1:43 PM
I spent nearly the entire weekend in the shop!! I am building he cabinets for my basement bar (about 8-1/2'). You first need to understand I am one of the slowest woodworkers alive and that bugs LOML to no end. Two weeks ago, I swallowed all of my pride and went to Lowes to look at cabinets. The quote for middle-of-the-road cabinets was nearly $2700!

After one of the more grueling negotiations with my wife, we (she) agreed the I could do a 'proof of concept' Wherein, I would buy the material for the top cabinets. If I could get them made in a reasonable amount of time, I would proceed with the entire project. If I failed, well then, I have some nice cherry cabinets for my shop.

I was able to complete the top cabinets in under 10 hours (not including finishing). That was last weekend.

Fast forward to this weekend . . .I bought the rest of the wood and hardware and began assembly of the base cabinets. All of boxes are cut and glued, all of the face-frames are glued-up (half installed on the boxes). Stealth Gloat - while at Rockler getting the hardware, I picked up the 16" Jet Bandsaw (on sale for $700). I was on the fence between the 17" Grizzly and the 16" Jet - the $100 discount did it for me. Tonight I will work on the doors (cherry raised panels), while set up for raised panels, I'll build the rest of the panels for my basement support column (WIP pixs posted previously).

My goal is to have the cabinets complete and installed within 6 weeks (the delivery time if we had purchased from Lowes).

As I was building the cabinets, I realized I was struggling pushing the wood across the table saw. If you haven’t waxed you table surface recently, do it. It makes a huge difference. While I was at it, I waxed all of the other surfaces in the shop too! Great weekend.

Dick Parr
03-15-2004, 1:56 PM
I didn’t get a lot done this weekend. I did get three of the last five pens completed on Sat. Only two to go. :p

Then my daughter came over after getting an oil change to go shopping with the wife and they took my car to go. When they got back and my daughter went to leave. She started her car and went to back up and it started blowing oil everywhere and by the time I could get her to turn it off, there was about 2 qts all over the place (glad I had a bag of kitty liter laying around). :mad: Spent a lot of time yesterday cleaning things off and then after the place that gave her the oil change came over today to fix it (bad seal on filter), I spent the rest of today power washing the driveway. :mad: Not much fun.