View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
02-29-2008, 8:34 AM
Friday February 29th, 2008


Yep, it's an extra day this year. As we don't get to say it but every four years, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of you with B-Days today. :) If I had been born on this day I'd be 15 this year. :D

I just got in from clearing the driveway of the 4-5 inches of snow we got last night. I just can't begin to explain how thrilled I am to have more snow. :rolleyes::eek: NOT!! The only good part is we are "supposed" to warm up a wee bit over the weekend. May make it into the 40's Sunday. Of course that will bring rain. That will help to get rid of the snow. Glad I live up on this hill.

No WW'ing again this weekend. Still a wee bit to cold in the shop. Instead, Saturday, I'm heading to WC in Madtown to take advantage of their 10% off most everything. Might come home with a new toyl I've had my eye on. We'll see. I'll be watching the races from Vegas and wishing I was visiting my buddy out there. He says race weekend gets crazier each year.

I know one person who's looking forward to Monday though, eh, Tyler? Congrats bud. Enjoy your time. You've earned it. And don't forget, if you get down this way, I'm less than a mile off I-90/94.

What's up in your neck of the woods? Any fun projects or "doin's" going on? Whatever they may be I hope they're enjoyable and above all "SAFE".


Ben Cadotte
02-29-2008, 9:10 AM
My wife figured out if it were my birthday I would be turning 10 today. Then she says "that would be about right for the way you act" :eek: :D:D

Have to leave Sunday so no playing in the shop this trip home (short one). Doing taxes last night and today. So fun fun fun.

Supposed to storm tonight / tomorrow so probably plowing the drive and snow blowing is on order as well.

Nancy Laird
02-29-2008, 9:15 AM
Busy weekend planned for our house. Have several laser orders to deliver today, a batch of special-order pens to work on. Hubby is putting laminate on the countertop desks for our inside office and finishing the drawer fronts for the file cabinets. Finishing the office stuff will take the weekend. Symphony tickets tonight and maybe another break on Sunday for a movie.

Have a good weekend, everyone, specially my friend Tyler who, after Monday, won't ever have to get up early again!!


Joe D'Attilio
02-29-2008, 9:15 AM
Heading to God's Country to see Pop for his 67th. We waited till about 9:30 to call him last night - wanted to make him sweat a little. Of course the "head of that household" felt the need to remind my brother and I 2-3 times throughout the day.

He doesn't know the wife and I are heading up there tomorrow night. Perhaps Saturday morning if the mood strikes me= can get my @$$ moving; I'm going to finish rewiring the basement/shop. After that I need to get to Woodcraft for the March Madness. My understanding is 10% off - maybe sunday I'll finish the basement so I can start on my 1st workbench.

Tyler Howell
02-29-2008, 11:27 AM
More Punch list.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Some fix up touch up to take care of business.
Last weekend carrying a PDA for the man.

Everybody play safe.

Glenn Clabo
02-29-2008, 12:26 PM
If you run into DrLOML in the next couple of hours don't spill the beans;)...but I'm picking her up from work in a couple of hours and we're going to spend the weekend at our favorite place on the Cape. No computers...blackberry's...or cell phones. Eat...drink...eat...drink...sleep...soak in the hot tube.:D

Steve Clardy
02-29-2008, 2:21 PM
Finishing up 37 cab doors today so I can go intall them and finish up this small job tomorrow.
Sunday will be yard/place cleanup day.
Tree limbs from the last ice storm [a couple months ago :confused:]

John Thompson
02-29-2008, 2:26 PM
Same old.. same old... chest top edge's today and start drawers Saturday. Ton of hand cut joints on drawers so... that about covers the week-end.


Tony De Masi
02-29-2008, 2:39 PM
I'll be heading to Woodcraft in the morning. I've been putting together a list for a week or so now. I understand that they are having a 10% off most items, but my local store is also doing an additional 5% off if you get there between 7am and 10am. So that's where I'll be.

Other than that I'll be throwing a birthday party tomorrow night for my wife, son, and daughter in law. Yep, all three the same day.


David Duke
02-29-2008, 3:09 PM
Gonna go install the small utility cabinet for a client sometimes this weekend and a probably start the remainder of our pantry cabinets. Sunday we have a Bday party to attend.

Dexter Hahn
02-29-2008, 3:42 PM
Going to spend the weekend out at my brother's place, my nieces from out west have come to spend the duration of their mom's (my sister) deployment to Iraq with him and his wife and kids, they just got there a couple days ago. So instead of a thousand or two miles away, they'll be under 2 hours drive away for the better part of a year or so. Glad I'll be able to see them often, very proud of my little sister for her commitment, and a little scared all at the same time.

Their mom is going to be awful mad at how much those girls were spoiled when she gets back next year... :D

Al Willits
02-29-2008, 4:03 PM
Same stuff, continuing saga of the TV stand, getting closer and finally looks like most of the trim is done, than maybe a trip to cabella's for another rod and reel and a few accesories.
Also looking for a good chef's knife and trying to figure which one to get.

Gonna be in the 30's this weekend so shouldn't be all that bad.

Have a safe and well weekend.


Mark Engel
02-29-2008, 5:02 PM
I was planning to drive down to Mass. and pick up some more of those oak planks for $15/ea. But, I will probably be home all day working on snow removal. 6-8" expected around here overnight. :mad:

Fred Voorhees
02-29-2008, 5:48 PM
Will be starting the fourth kitchen cabinet for our son and daughter in laws home. This one will be the base cabinet that the sink will be mounted in. Had to hammer down some vital measurements over the phone with our son in regards to the sink supply lines and drain, as well as location of a new dishwasher that will be added to the area. With that done, I need to figure out some final measurements tonight so that I can get on with it in the morning.

Jim Becker
02-29-2008, 9:29 PM
Well....I have the "activities transportation" duty this weekend for the girls since I've missed a few due to business travel, so a good part of Saturday will be whacked relative to woodworking and things related to the addition. But hopefully, I'll get a little time later in the day for that as well as most of Sunday. Professor Dr. SWMBO has a large grant application due, so she's working most of the weekend and that means I'll be taking her weekend cooking shift, too...fare since I missed my weekday cooking duties for about three weeks now due to the aforementioned business travel.

When I do get in the shop, it will be to work on the doors and drawers for the wet bar project as well as start working on the cabinetry for my new office. Inside the addition, I'll be continuing with termination of communication cables, etc.

Dave Verstraete
02-29-2008, 9:37 PM
I'll be finishing those pub tables. After that it is either wood storage shelves or clamp storage. Time to work on the shop again.

Greg Just
02-29-2008, 9:49 PM
Finished up the taxes (getting a return!). I will be varnishing some doors in the basement - Almost done with that job and plan on heading into St Paul on Sunday to go to the Woodworking Show. Hope it's not a bust like it was 2 years ago.

Matt Meiser
02-29-2008, 9:54 PM
Lots of maintenance and misc jobs to do around here. I need to change my truck oil first priority. Then if it is dry and not too cold, I need to replace a high pressure sodium yard light that's gone bad with a compact flourescent one (which will pay for itself in 9 months according to my calculations) and replace a regular floodlight that I never turn on with one that has a motion sensor so that we can actually get some benefit from it. I also got the new casters for my Sysport today so I'll install those. Maybe if there's time get started on a new stand for my metal cutting bandsaw.