View Full Version : Finishing Punky Wood Problem

Matt Hutchinson
02-27-2008, 11:48 AM
Yesterday I dug through my wood collection and found an amazingly spalted flat slab. I threw it on the lathe and made a small plate. I had some tearout issues. No matter how sharp the tool and how light the cut, it still didn't cut clean. I decided not to push my luck, sanded it, and sprayed it with a lacquer sanding sealer and 2 top coats. I am finding that the punky areas will not finish evenly, due to very fine tearout. Is there a way to get these spots to finish correctly? Just need lots of coats? Will wax give it an even lustre? I am not experienced with finishing punky wood, and would like all the advice I can get. Thanks.


Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2008, 12:24 PM
Matt there is some minwax wood hardener that works well. I also use a mixture of 5 min epoxy mixed up and then add Denatured alcohol till it is the consistancy of milk. I paint this on till the wood won't take anymore and then let it dry. Once dry I finish turning, sand and finish. Has work well for me. The wood hardener also works well.

Matt Hutchinson
02-27-2008, 12:56 PM
I will definitely keep that in mind for the future.

Do you know if there is anything that I can do now that it already has a few coats of lacquer? What types of finish can be applied over epoxy? Thanks.


jack richington
02-27-2008, 1:04 PM
Matt, don't know if this will help this late in the game, but when I see soft, spalty wood starting to tear out, I'll get out shellac..it helps stiffen the fibers..cheap and easy

David Wilhelm
02-27-2008, 6:18 PM
Matt I keep a spray bottle with a 50/50 mix of LDS I spray turn, spray turn. taking very light cuts. the soap really helps I'd use it with the other products as well. if there is a small area i'll soak it with think CA and then spray you'll see a difference in the cut.

Matt Hutchinson
02-27-2008, 6:35 PM
Not quite familiar with all the acronyms yet. What is LDS?

Also, I have some polycryl. I haven't gotten around to trying it out yet. Anyone found it to be worth the money? Is it very effective on already dry wood? Thanks.


Dan Forman
02-27-2008, 7:49 PM
Not quite familiar with all the acronyms yet. What is LDS?

Also, I have some polycryl. I haven't gotten around to trying it out yet. Anyone found it to be worth the money? Is it very effective on already dry wood? Thanks.


I don't have personal experience with polycryl, but have read that it's not so good for dry wood, and can make things difficult to get a good finish on. I think I ran across that oner on the IAP pen turning forum.

My guess is that LDS is liquid dish soap.


Paul Downes
02-27-2008, 9:13 PM
On pens I soak the punky wood with CA glue when I am close to size. I have done this also on small areas on bowls. The other ideas mentioned above are interesting.....I'll have to give some of them a turn.

David Wilhelm
02-27-2008, 9:43 PM
Sorry Matt, 50/50 liquid dish soap to water I use dawn the type for the sink and not the dish washer.

Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2008, 10:22 PM
Matt after using the epoxy I go over it with lacquer or wipe on poly with no problems. At this point I don't think the hardener or epoxy would work unless you sanded off the lacquer you have on it now.