View Full Version : Acrylic Screw Cap and Swirl Inlay Atlas

Jon Lanier
02-26-2008, 3:15 PM
I've not tried an acrylic with a screw cap kit, so this is the first. Turned out okay, but I think I like wood with these personally. (If it sells quick I'll do more).

The Atlas is Mahogany with Maple swirl inlay.




Ben Gastfriend
02-26-2008, 3:22 PM
They're really nice. I am not a big fan of the acrylic, somewhat because of the smell, and somewhat because I like to think of myself as a woodturner, and wood seems nicer, but the acrylics really do sell faster. Everybody loves them. Bright, pretty colors, glossy finish....

Jason Hallowell
02-26-2008, 4:09 PM
Very nice! Keep 'em coming.