View Full Version : Inspired by a Creeker...

Jon Lanier
02-24-2008, 11:47 PM
...and I can't find who it was. I just did this from memory today, a couple of Euro’s for a missionary and his wife leaving this week to go back to China. I used Walnut as the base and Maple as the inlay. I like the this style for sure. Photo is really bad, I hurried to take the picture’s just before church tonight, because I wanted to give it to them before they left. The pens look speckled but that is just dust from my not wiping them down before the “shoot.”



Jason Hallowell
02-25-2008, 1:58 AM
They look very nice! I was probably the inspiration, and it's probably the first time I've made anything that inspired anyone.:eek:

I showed pics doing it with the miter saw, but it works so much better on the table saw with a sled. I have been having trouble with the bottom of the groove not being flat, but I just picked up a new saw blade with a flat grind yesterday, which should solve that. I have lots of other designs using similar techniques, and will take some pics of some of them when I get a chance.

Jon Lanier
02-25-2008, 9:01 AM
Ah... Thank you Jason. I really like the inlay style. It would have been easier to do if I realized my table saw blade was less than 1/8 of an inch. My planer only goes down to 1/8 and I thought a good fit would come easy. (duh, on my part). Next time I do that one, I'll change blades.

Looking forward to seeing your other designs.

Bernie Weishapl
02-25-2008, 10:58 AM
Great looking pens Jon. They are going to cherish those for a long time.