View Full Version : Whew, hard work today on my shop....

03-06-2003, 6:19 PM
Hi gang! I put up typar for my shop today! Trimmed the corners, windows and doors also. I am a bit tired now, but tomorrow I will put up the siding for it! Good weather here and time for it, so that's why I am working on it. Perhaps photos when I am finished....I need more money to finish it...maybe some more work I hope. Please pray for me to build some houses as I am a building contractor with little work now. I am under a lot of stress as I am also a Air Force Reserve person as well. Any others in the military?

Howard Barlow
03-06-2003, 8:23 PM

Glenn Clabo
03-06-2003, 8:46 PM
Not in the military...son is in the Air Force. Fixes F16's out in AZ.

I am in the business though...Submarines...This is a tough time.

D.McDonnel "Mac"
03-06-2003, 10:36 PM
Back in 1977 I met my now SWMBO in Ashville NC, well actually in Black Mountain NC but she lived in Ashville. I seem to remember Boone or a town named something like it near Ashville. Wish I had visited the Grove Park Inn and looked around, now I love all things Arts and Crafts and was right there in the Mecca of the A&C World and drove past the place a hundred times! I'll go back someday! In Laws moved to Roanoke since so no family reason to return to NC.

Mike Cutler
03-07-2003, 6:05 AM
No longer in the military. I spent 6 years doing the "Hunt for Red October" on the submarines that Glen built. Hope business picks up fo you once the weather breaks.

Jim Iwanicki
03-07-2003, 10:28 AM
wish it was warmer here in snow country (Buffalo NY area). Can't do much in the garage shop with this really cold winter. Got called up with ANG squadron in late 60's to help liberate the USS Pueblo in Korea. Hope you luck out and stay home. Good luck.

Dan Bussiere
03-07-2003, 10:41 AM
I spent 23 years in the Air Force and served in the last Gulf War. You are in my prayers, along with the rest of our fine men and women in uniform. Our President and Congress as well! I hope your business will pick up and good for you being able to work on your shop. By the way, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Tom Sweeney
03-07-2003, 2:21 PM
I will keep you in my prayers - both for business & the reserves.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the board that serves in any manner to protect us & keep our country free. We can never repay you - but you are in our thoughts & prayers.

Yesterday my boss started ranting about seeing on tv that a big group of soldiers in Kuwait were given a big Lobster dinner. She thought it was just horrible that we spent that kind of money. It took every ounce of will power I had to keep my mouth shut & keep from laying into her about it :mad:

Some people just don't get it!

03-07-2003, 8:53 PM
I appreciate all that everyone does, especially supporting the troops. I had steak and lobster every Sunday when we weren't flying into Afghanistan while in Kuwait for Operation Enduring Freedom. I actually thought it was kind of nice given that I woke up one night with a rat on my arm and no food in the tent! It's pretty miserable even this time of year there....temps are already in the 90's with the humidty off of the Persian Gulf. We had suburbans with a/c that kept us cool, plus the aircraft are air conditioned.....spoiled a little I guess.
If only people could see the stuff I've seen, then they'd support a war no problem, not that I want to go to war or anything.....I am not a war monger!
Thanks again ya'll!! ;)

Mike Brewster
03-08-2003, 10:38 AM
Hey Cam,

Glad the shop is coming along.

I understand the stress! We just got our planes out of town. The people are still waiting on tranportation. Looks like for now I'm sitting this one out.

Have you heard anything from your old unit?

Good Luck,

03-08-2003, 9:18 PM
My old Combat Comm unit shipped out, but my last unit is likely sitting this one out for the early stages. I'm now on my staff and not likely to deploy unless needed at a TALCE. I was supposed to leave for Turkey, but things changed quickly. Then it was Rome and that was turned down by the unit CC. So now it's just a wait and see game. I really like the new unit...got promoted 1 March!!!
I've been summoned for jury duty.....can't wait to see the Judges face when I tell him that if I get a call from my unit not to expect to see me for quite a while....think he'll excuse me?
I hope that you don't mind sitting this one out Mike.:p