View Full Version : Message Board/Art Gallery (*PICS*)

John Weber
03-12-2004, 11:14 AM
When we remodeled the kitchen several years ago, we didn’t have kids, so we paneled the refrigerator with wood seemed like a good idea. Now that our daughter is in preschool, we have learned that the refrigerator is the heart of the kitchen, or at least the gallery for every kid we know. The teacher would tell the kids, now take this home and you can hang it on your refrigerator. Well I wasn’t about to start putting push pins in the cherry refrigerator paneling, so we needed something. We had some trim left from the kitchen remodel and I bought a magnetic white board at the office store, and this is it. Construction is very simple, the trim tool longer then the case. Hanging could have gone better, as I seemed to miss all the studs I thought I had found. I had to make it tall enough so Kim and I could still jot messages, large enough so there was room for a few things, and high enough so our son (toddler) would pull everything down. Hopefully it will foot the bill. Thanks for looking.


<img src=http://www.weberwoodworking.com/picsw04/cherrymessageboard1.jpg>

<img src=http://www.weberwoodworking.com/picsw04/cherrymessageboard2.jpg>

Todd Burch
03-12-2004, 12:26 PM
Very nice John! If that also dry erase?

Jim Stastny
03-12-2004, 12:34 PM
Excellent. However, if your kids will be anything like mine were you'll soon find that you'll need about four more of those to hang all the works of your budding artists :D

John Weber
03-12-2004, 2:15 PM

Yes, magnetic dry erase.


Fortunately they have galleries; I mean bedrooms, for the bulk of their art.

Thanks guys - John