View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
03-12-2004, 8:15 AM
Good Friday morning all,

I've been going so fast I about blew right by this morning. This will be a good weekend for me even though it won't involve woodworking. We are leaving this afternoon for a cabin on an Arkansas mountaintop. No phones!!!!!

What's in your plans for the weekend? Any sawdust?

Please be sure to keep Jeff Hamilton's daughter in your prayers this weekend?

Have a great weekend all!


Dick Parr
03-12-2004, 8:43 AM
I plan on finishing up the last of the pens I have to make for the FPP and that should do me for the weekend.

Maurice Ungaro
03-12-2004, 8:59 AM
Wel, I get to make the table for my new Delta 17-968 drill press. After that, I'm starting on an important project: a kneeling bench for my wedding in April. Oh, and since the weather is pristine, I'll get some road miles in on my bicycle too.


Mark Bachler
03-12-2004, 9:17 AM
Headin' to the "Tool Crib of the North" in Duluth to pick up: Porter Cable plate jointer, Porter Cable 7116 dovetail jig, Porter Cable 552 pocket screw machine, Delta 965 drill press, Milwaukee 6010-6 pad sander, Bosch 3727 DVS finish sander, some Bessey K clamps, a set of Forstner Bits, Freud dado head, and possibly a power feeder. That will just about take care of what I have left in my Shop Loan Stash. Any comments on any of the above tools will be greatly appreciated.

p.s. By making a package deal & shopping around I'm saving $420. Thats my drill press paid for.

Dave Anderson NH
03-12-2004, 9:23 AM
I'll be in the shop working on a new batch of marking knives and some other tools which are partially done. I also have to drop SWMBO off at her sister's tomorrow for the limo ride with other family members to the airport. I'm going to be a bachelor next week while she and her siblings go to Ft Lauderdale for the week to vist other family, golf, sun themselves and vacation. I will take a few days off while she's gone to do some painting and other house upgrades to surprise her when she comes back.

Sunday will be gathering project supplies for the week and more shop time to prepare for my tool making presentation at the April guild meeting. I'm in the process of cleaning up, sharpening, and prepping 31 more marking knife blades which already have rough ground bevels and have been heat treated. No rest for the wicked.

John Miliunas
03-12-2004, 9:50 AM
Mill up some rough Oak, cut, stain and clear them for my daughter's room. (No big deal...Just slats for a wall grid LOML dreamed up.) Try and chuck up another Black Locust blank for a bowl. Buddy coming over Sunday to work on his old solid-body bass guitar. Dig up some more material for pen blanks. Have a great weekend all and be safe! :cool:

Scott Coffelt
03-12-2004, 10:08 AM
Taking the family on a week long vacation to SoCal. Seeing my parents, Sea World, Disneyland, Beach, Hollywood, and hopefully a round of golf. My 4 year old is totally stoked (daddy is excited for him too :D ). He has been counting down the days.

Chris Rolke
03-12-2004, 10:17 AM
my weekend project trying to get more dont on the basement , getting my camaro started up ,getting my quad running, checking an oak log, that has been down for more years than i can count, to see if it is useable to make some bowl blanks out of

Dennis Peacock
03-12-2004, 10:54 AM
Good Friday morning all,

I've been going so fast I about blew right by this morning. This will be a good weekend for me even though it won't involve woodworking. We are leaving this afternoon for a cabin on an Arkansas mountaintop. No phones!!!!!

What's in your plans for the weekend? Any sawdust?

Please be sure to keep Jeff Hamilton's daughter in your prayers this weekend?

I guess I'm gonna hafta write you a Speeding Ticket..!!!!!!....IF that will slow you down some. Really though....just glad to see ya back here on the Creek.

I will be working on the Adirondack Chairs this weekend and Glenn and I completed the chair that we call "the midget chair" since we had to size one down just for his wife. Hopefully, this weekend, I can get the "normal" sized chairs started on the assembly process.

Be safe this weekend and keep all your fingers.!!!!!!

Ted Calver
03-12-2004, 12:07 PM
Norfolk Turn-A-Thon. Gonna stand there all day and make Freedon Pens. Then I'm gonna treat myself to a nice glass of Amarone and sit by the fire with my sweetie. All you Tidewater Creekers come on out and make some pens!! You'll have to find your own fire, wine and sweetie!!

Brock Jones
03-12-2004, 4:00 PM
See you there Ted, I am bringing my credit mng. son , she is having a little problem getting him excited about anything, thought this might help. I have never turned a pen yet. Ordered my lathe to be picked up at Norfolk tommorow. May need some advise on other things needed

see ya.

Robert Ducharme
03-12-2004, 5:58 PM
Finish framing the DC room and installing sound board/insulation/drywall. I will post pictures later.

Tyler Howell
03-12-2004, 6:45 PM
Turnin and burnin in the kitchen. I have to entertain the family for Easter. Also a deadline at work is going to drag me into the office.
A little shop time is locked in for tonight.

David Rose
03-12-2004, 7:35 PM
Bob, I think I'll just come lookin' for you! What's that cell phone number again? :D

Sure glad to find out that you didn't kick off or anything drastic like that. We miss you Dude! :)

Have you heard anything about Jeff's daughter yet? Been praying a lot for her and the family.


Good Friday morning all,

I've been going so fast I about blew right by this morning. This will be a good weekend for me even though it won't involve woodworking. We are leaving this afternoon for a cabin on an Arkansas mountaintop. No phones!!!!!

What's in your plans for the weekend? Any sawdust?

Please be sure to keep Jeff Hamilton's daughter in your prayers this weekend?

Have a great weekend all!


Rob Littleton
03-12-2004, 7:37 PM
Drove tp Prescott, AZ on Thursday (LONG day driving) and went to the house on Friday to meet the builder. Measured up the shop and talked about where the Oneida is gonna go. Cant wait till he breaks ground........I get a shop and the wife gets HER 2 car garage for MY stuff......she dont know that yet...

anyhoo, LONG drive back to CA on Sunday. While I was outta town, my buddy came by and turned some pens. Hopefully, the shop is still standing Sunday night. hehehe

stay safe

Steve Clardy
03-12-2004, 7:45 PM
Off to fetch a couple loads of firewood so I can get stocked up for next years cold weather. Need usually about 12 cords for the shop and house to get through the season.
Also have to build two upper cabs I FORGOT to build on this set of cabs I built and am in the process of installing them. Had all the lowers delivered and set thursday, headed back over there this morning to finish the counter tops, hang the uppers, set the pantry. Got to two sections, got to looking around for these two cabs, and they were nowhere to be found. Couldn't remember leaving them in the shop. Finally dawned on me I hadn't built them, so could not finish up the uppers. Did all I could, set the vanity's, and came home.
I really had planned on goofing off some on the back 31 acres, beings the weather is getting super nice for outside work.
Also have to pick the wife up in Sedalia, hour drive one way. She has been in Wisconsin all week. Not due in till around ten in the evening, so will be a late night for me. Steve

Jim Becker
03-12-2004, 8:01 PM
Saturday is another day in the UK...specifically enjoying stimulating the London economy by eating and drinking and looking at things. LOML joined me here on Thursday night after I returned from Scotland and we had a nice day today touring the "Tower of London" and catching a musical after I was done work. Your treat will be a couple of pictures of some interesting furniture from the "Tower" when I return...speaking of which, that will be on Sunday morning which means I may actually get some time in the shop until I drop dead from exhaustion. <G> I would have liked to have enough time to visit Ian while over here, but my schedule was too full and in the "other direction" all week long. Since I'm extending the weekend to Monday and hopefully, Tuesday, I should get some more shop time then if too many calls don't come in.

Fred Voorhees
03-13-2004, 9:45 AM
After the flurry of activity in the shop over the past two weeks what with fabbing up the blast gates and installing the dust collection system, I wasn't planning on getting a bunch of shop time in this weekend. However, I just might take some time to begin to fabricate a portable downdraft sanding table like the one that Terry Hatfield has illustrated on his site. I like the looks, and the potential, of that thing. Other than that, I was thinking of getting some things done around the house in prep for spring. Need to pick up a truckload of wood chips for the flower beds being one of them. Gotta do that stuff now, cause I will shortly begin to rip out the old drywall in the old attached two car garage to begin the renovation into a very nice bar/pool table rec room.

Jeff Cybulski
03-13-2004, 11:52 AM
Glad to see you back Bob. I stopped by the toy store yesterday and they siad you were in Thursday. Bought a 18" miter slider and will finish the crosscut sled today. Also need to run speaker wire into the attic for the new home theater system I got for my B-day.

Be safe.
